Advertising is another invention of the 20th century. Some people find it annoying and useless, however, it certainly has its point.
Advertising can be found everywhere nowadays: in newspapers, in magazines and brochures, on posters, on radio and TV, in Internet, simply everywhere. The main purpose of advertising is to sell the goods. From the other side, it’s a really effective way to let the people know about certain products.
Реклама - еще одно изобретение 20 века. Некоторых это раздражает и бесполезно, однако в этом есть смысл.
Рекламу сейчас можно найти везде: в газетах, журналах и брошюрах, на плакатах, на радио и телевидении, в Интернете, просто везде. Основная цель рекламы - продать товар. С другой стороны, это действительно эффективный рассказать людям об определенных продуктах. Ето на руском перевод)
Реклама - ще один винахід 20 століття. Деякі люди вважають це надокучливим і марним, проте, безумовно, це має свій сенс.
Сьогодні рекламу можна знайти скрізь: у газетах, журналах та брошурах, на плакатах, на радіо та телебаченні, в Інтернеті, просто скрізь. Основна мета реклами - продаж товару. З іншого боку, це дійсно ефективний б повідомити людей про певні продукти. а ето на українском.
2. I am sorry, but I do not understand what you mean.
3. What does Jane do? – She is a teacher, but she is not teaching at the moment.
4. He never smokes and doesn't usually eat meat.
5. Last time I went abroad was when I was going to London. We stayed in London
for three days. On the first day when I was doing the sights, I met my old friend. He was just going to his hotel when we came across.
6. Do you often go to the gym? – I don't go much at the moment, I do not have time. I am too busy these days. But I want to go to the gym next week.
7. Tomorrow Kate is visiting her aunt, that’s why now she is making a cake. It smells delicious! When Kate was visiting her aunt last week, she bought some pastries from the baker’s, but they were not that good.