1 I never eat any crisps. - Я никогда не ем чипсы.
2 I haven't got much rice. - У меня не много риса.
3 There's a lot of salad in this sandwich.-В этом бутерброде много салата.
4 There's some water on the table. - На столе есть вода.
5 Can I have a sandwich, please? - Можно мне сэндвич ?
6 I always have lunch at the school canteen. - Я всегда обедаю в школьной столовой.
7 I don't eat many pears. - Я не ем много груш.
8 I never eat a lot of snacks at school. - Я никогда не ем много закусок в школе.
2. a wonderful / an amazing storyteller
3. charm
4. a funny adventure
5. a cosy/comfortable house
6. the contents of the book
7. a short speech
8. an impressive/spectacular landscape (scenery)
9. to have the job done / to cope with one's work
10. the latest edition / the most recent edition
11. an observant boy
12. an active /movable /agile teenager
13. kneeling; on one's knees; in/on one's lap
14. let me know 15. instead of the teacher
16. to impress friends / to make an impression on one's friends
17. to swallow books
18. a delightful librarian
19. to be absorbed by the novel
20. a dangerous adventure
21. serious contents
22. a tiny chatterbox/ a small or tiny talker
23. since then/since that time/from that time on
24. not to be ridiculous /(don't make me laugh - не смешите меня)
25. to break the spell
26. a rare edition of the book