Ох, Solutions - сила Hi Ben, I was happy to receive your letter. You asked me about sport, so here's the answers: My friends usually play basketball and football, because we can play them on our PE lessons. Also, on PE lessons in my school we run, jump and play pionerball. In winter, people in my country often make snomen, play snowballs, ski and skate, because winter in Russia is really cold. What do you usually do in summer? What sports does your family prefer? What do you do on PE lessons? Write back soon. Best wishes, ...
Insects are one of the oldest wildlife of our planet. Today, according to scientists the number of known species of insects has reached nearly two million different species. And every year on this list is added about seven thousand species of insects that have been previously zoologists do not even have a clue . Settling insects gradually , over time, occurred throughout the earth. You can meet them in tropical countries of Africa, and in the temperate latitudes of the Northern Europe. Even in the polar regions and arid deserts insects have adapted to life. There are also domestic insects that are adapted to live in close proximity to humans . Anyone with a child known types of insects such as butterflies , bees , beetles , bugs, flies, mosquitoes and many others. Every child is faced with leaving them in the first to the garden for a walk. Perhaps these are the first representatives of the wildlife encountered by the kid in your life . Structure of the insect is very interesting little child , as it is divided into three notable parts: head , abdomen and chest. Each insect has three pairs of legs and one , and sometimes two pairs of wings . Also, all the insects peculiar antennae on his head, that perform their function senses. In human terms insect life is very short and therefore its development is very fast . The whole cycle of formation lasts no more than six weeks and consists of four periods . Adult insects lay eggs from which larvae emerge in the future , and after some time of larvae formed pupa . And only from the pupa appears already Adult , shaped , viable insect. Insect life is very diverse and fascinating to watch , especially nice to look for insects such as bees and ants , whose activities are , in addition, are useful to humans.
1. English isn't spoken in this shop.
2. The question was asked to Dennis by Kevin.
3. The house was built last year.
4. The box is given to him.
5. He will be looked after by Max.
6. A big steak was brought to Fred by the waiter.
7. Our bungalow was broken into last Friday.
8. A joke was told by the teacher.
9. Doris will be met at the station.
10. The text message hasn't been sent to me.