primary school – начальная школа
secondary school – средняя школа
a teacher – учитель
a school principal (a headmaster, a headmistress) – директор школы
an assistant principal – завуч
a pupil – ученик
a schoolboy (a schoolgirl) – школьник (школьница)
a classmate – одноклассник
school uniform – школьная форма
a classroom – классная комната
a library – библиотека
a principal’s office – кабинет директора
a laboratory – лаборатория
a computer room – кабинет информатики
a canteen – столовая
a gym (a gymnasium) – спортзал
a stadium – стадион
a playground – игровая площадка
a swimming pool – бассейн
a cloakroom – раздевалка, гардеробная
a school hall – актовый зал
a first-aid room (a nurse’s office) - медпункт
a toilet (a lavatory) – туалет
a lesson – урок
a break - перемена
lunch - обед
a timetable - расписание
a test – контрольная работа, тест
a dictation – диктант
a composition (an essay) – сочинение (эссе)
an exam – экзамен
a mark - оценка
homework - домашнее задание
a certificate of secondary education – аттестат о среднем образовании
A Russian military fort was built at Maykop in 1857.[12]
In 1911, oil deposits were discovered in the vicinity of Maykop.[citation needed]
In 1936, Maykop and the surrounding region was merged with Adyghe Autonomous Oblast, and became the administrative centerof the autonomy. Maykop was occupied by the Wehrmacht on August 9, 1942 without a fight as a result of Brandenburger commandooperation. In January 1943, it was liberated by the Transcaucasian Front of the Red Army.
Since 1991, Maykop has been the capital of the Republic of Adygea in the Russian Federation.