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15.08.2022 05:13 •  Английский язык

8 класс 1. Утворіть від наведених нижче речень питальну та заперечну форму.
1. We must pass the exam in physics. 2. He must learn the new words regularly.
3. They can continue their studies at the college. 4. She can play tennis after work. 5. My brother couldn’t translate this text without a dictionary.6. The tourists may attend the sitting of the Parliament. 7. The weather may change soon. 8. He might take books from his father’s library.
Вправа 2. Замініть модальні дієслова еквівалентами. Перекладіть речення.
1. His parents can help him in his studies. 2. I could meet you at the metro station. 3. All the students must read this text again. 4. Everybody must begin the work in time. 5. They may continue the experiment. 6. You may keep this book as long as you need it. 7. You must try to find out all the essential facts connected with his work. 8. The team of experts can study the present situation in the country. 9.Could you speak English a year ago?
Вправа 3. Замініть модальні дієслова спочатку формами минулого часу, а потім – формами майбутнього часу.
1. Our secretary must reserve accommodation for foreign businessmen.
2. Can you speak English well? 3. The manager of the firm can't receive you now. 4. You may go home earlier today if you like. 5. At supermarkets you can buy not only food, but ready – made clothes, toys and other goods. 6. You may visit your sick friend today. 7. You must not cross the street on the red light.
Вправа 4. Перекладіть речення, звертаючи увагу на переклад модальних дієслів та їх еквівалентів.
1. I hope they will be able to reach the village before it is dark. 2. You may go away now I shall finish the work myself. 3. Every engineer must know at least one foreign language. 4. Your son must stay in bed because he is still ill.
5. You should take a taxi if you don’t want to be late for the concert. 6. Students
are not allowed to smoke at the Institute. 7. He wasn’t allowed to enter the concert hall after the third bell. 8. As he received a bad mark, he had to go over the material again. 9. We were to meet at the station at six. 10. The train is to arrive at 10 o’clock. 11. Tomorrow I’ll have to be there a little earlier to look through some documents. 12. The work is to be completed by the end of June.
13. Some business matters should be discussed before you sign a contract.
14. You should influence your friend. He is not studying the way he should.

Вправа 5. Запишіть замість крапок необхідні форми модальних дієслів та їх еквівалентів.
1. Lena is ill. She …. stay in bed. 2. Drivers … stop when they see a red light. 3. Betty asked her father: «… I go to the concert tonight?» 4. Nina is free tonight. She … go to dance. 5. Alec will have an English lesson tomorrow. He… study tonight. 6. Mark is a good student. He … speak English well. 7. There is no ink in my pen. ….I write with a pencil? 8. You … do what the doctor says. 9. You … study much if you want to pass the exams well. 10. Little children …go to bed early. 11. Children under 16 … not see this film.
Вправа 6. Перетворіть речення, використовуючи зразок.
Why didn’t you do it? (go home). I didn’t do it, because I had to go home.
1. Why didn’t Harry come to see us? (do а lot of sums in maths). 2. Why didn’t you take part in our concert? (in sport competition) 3. Why didn’t Pete ride the bicycle? (repair it). 4. Why didn’t you stay there7 (go home' at once). 5. Why didn’t you spend all the money? (save some for the next month). 6. Why didn’t the man stay longer? (be аt the office). 7. Why didn’t Mother cook dinner? (go shopping).8. Why didn’t Phil play football? (prepare his homework). 9. Why didn’t they go to the concert? (look after their sick child).10. Why didn’t the boys stay at home? (go to school).
Виконайте завдання в зошитах та скиньте мені в особисті повідомлення!


А что собственно нужно сделать ?

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Hello my dear friend. I want to congratulate you on your admission to the university and the beginning of the school year. Are you ready to work hard? I was sincerely glad when I learned that you were accepted to the university. How did you respond to this news? Did you tell your family about this? I told my parents that you took another step in your life and they were enthusiastic about your dedication. I wish you good grades this year. Next month I plan to come to you and I want you to show me this university. I will wait for your answer. with best regards.

Перевод: привет мой дорогой друг. я хочу поздравить тебя с поступлением в университет и началом учебного года. ты готов усердно трудиться? Я был искренне рад когда узнал что тебя приняли в университет. Как ты отреагировал на эту новость? Ты рассказал об этом своей семье? Я рассказал родителям что ты сделал еще один шаг в своей жизни и они были восхищены твоей целеустремленностью. Я желаю тебе хороших оценок в этом году. В следующем месяце я планирую приехать тебе и хочу чтобы ты показал мне этот университет. я буду ждать твой ответ. с наилучшими пожеланиями.

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I live in Kazakhstan. There are many pet clinics in my country. This is wonderful because at any moment a person can provide medical assistance and support to animals that are needed. people are positive about new clinics and visit them as needed. Last month, my dog got sick and I was confused. but then I found out that a veterinary clinic opened in my area and I turned there for help. My dogs were provided with medical services at an affordable price. I am very grateful to kind people who sincerely love animals and wish to help them.

Перевод: я живу в Казахстане. в моей стране очень много клиник для домашних животных. это замечательно ведь в любой момент человек может оказать медицинскую и поддержку нуждающимся животным. люди положительно отзываются о новых клиниках и посещают их по мере необходимости. в месяце моя собака заболела и я был в растерянности. но потом я узнал что в моем районе открылась ветеринарная клиника и я обратился туда за моей собаки оказали медицинские услуги по доступной цене. я очень благодарен добрым людям которые искренне любят животных и желают им

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