1) my favorite show is "Let's get married". I like it because of the presenter Larisa Guzeeva. It is shown on TV at different times of the day. 2) I believe that television does not make people lazy , because people need to know what is happening in the world. Because people need to know what is happening in the world, should relax, watch TV for development (especially children). 3) the Advantages of reading a newspaper is that people who have not had time to watch the news, for example , will be able to do so only in paper form. I think that Newspapers and magazines will not disappear with the advent of television. 4) My favorite video about animals , I love the animal world. My favorite computer game is Minecraft. 5) video Games for health are to some extent useful , and to some extent not. I say this because video games develop memory, logical thinking, and more.
4.Очень часто для того, чтобы выучить или подкрепить знания, к примеру, английского языка, люди проводят время с носителями языка, это все равно, что оказаться по среди реки, пытаясь научиться плавать
6. Изучая новый язык, перед Вами открывается множество возможностей, таких как посещение различных стран, общение с людьми на их родном языке, изучение и прочтение на оригинальном языке книг