panic and fear during emergencies can seriously harm psychological health. this can lead to huge mental disorders in humans. qualified specialists should be able to provide psychological assistance to the affected person. this will reduce the potential consequences of trauma.
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panic and fear during emergencies can seriously harm psychological health. this can lead to huge mental disorders in humans. qualified specialists should be able to provide psychological assistance to the affected person. this will reduce the potential consequences of trauma.
подробнее - на - and fear during emergencies can seriously harm psychological health. this can lead to huge mental disorders in humans. qualified specialists should be able to provide psychological assistance to the affected person. this will reduce the potential consequences of trauma.
подробнее - на - and fear during emergencies can seriously harm psychological health. this can lead to huge mental disorders in humans. qualified specialists should be able to provide psychological assistance to the affected person. this will reduce the potential consequences of trauma.
подробнее - на - and fear during emergencies can seriously harm psychological health. this can lead to huge mental disorders in humans. qualified specialists should be able to provide psychological assistance to the affected person. this will reduce the potential consequences of trauma.
Ромео и Джульетта - величайшая история любви всех времен.С момента изобретения кино в 1894 году, Ромео и Джульетта была одна из самых популярных историй в фильмах. Многочисленные фильмы были основаны на известной любви Шекспира.Самая ранняя история датируется 1900 году. Многие режиссеры приняли эту известную игру и превратили ее вфильм, пытаясь сохранить на теме оригинальной истории.Одним из них является Баз Лурман. Его версия Ромео и Джульетты, произведенный в 1996 году, былаописана как оригинальная, постмодернистской версии трагической истории любви Шекспира.С этим очень усмешным фильмом Лурманн сумел обновить историюсочетая современные параметры и персонажей с практически оригинальным языком. История разворачивается в Майами.Изменения в языке, вместе с драматическими перестрелками и страстными любовными сценами,сделать сюжет более доступным для современной аудитории.В версии Лурманн фильма, главные герои, Ромео (Леонардо ди Каприо) и Джульетта (Клэр Дэйнс), являются подростками Майами девяностых. Хотя постановка фильма оченьнетрадиционная, она содержит все темы оригинальной версии, ведь это не меняет истории вообще.
panic and fear during emergencies can seriously harm psychological health. this can lead to huge mental disorders in humans. qualified specialists should be able to provide psychological assistance to the affected person. this will reduce the potential consequences of trauma.
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panic and fear during emergencies can seriously harm psychological health. this can lead to huge mental disorders in humans. qualified specialists should be able to provide psychological assistance to the affected person. this will reduce the potential consequences of trauma.
подробнее - на - and fear during emergencies can seriously harm psychological health. this can lead to huge mental disorders in humans. qualified specialists should be able to provide psychological assistance to the affected person. this will reduce the potential consequences of trauma.
подробнее - на - and fear during emergencies can seriously harm psychological health. this can lead to huge mental disorders in humans. qualified specialists should be able to provide psychological assistance to the affected person. this will reduce the potential consequences of trauma.
подробнее - на - and fear during emergencies can seriously harm psychological health. this can lead to huge mental disorders in humans. qualified specialists should be able to provide psychological assistance to the affected person. this will reduce the potential consequences of trauma.
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