2. Read the text and compare your ideas. Listen and check. Most people would agree with the definition of good health as being
in a state where you are free from sickness. Despite this, there are
many different opinions about how a person can actually have good
health. A
But there are some steps that healthy
can make in order not to get sick.
One of the best things you can do for your body is exercise. But how
much is enough? Not everyone agrees on exactly how much people
should exercise each day. Some people think that doing simple things
like cleaning the house are helpful. B
.One thing
experts do agree on is that any kind of exercise is good for you.
Foods like vegetables and fruits should
be eaten several times each day. It is also important to eat foods high
in fiber such as beans, grains, fruit and vegetables. Fiber helps your
body to digest the food you eat. Avoiding foods with a lot of sugar,
salt and fat is a good idea. Eating these kinds of foods can lead to a
variety of health problems.
In today's modern world, we all have some level of stress in our
life. D
Money problems, work and relationships
with other people can all cause stress.
The things I've just mentioned are only some of the ways that
people can have good health. E
About my favorite region,
For mountains and oceans,
About continents and countries;
And where a flow of the river,
And what were the Greeks
And what are the sea,
And as the Earth revolves.
In school workshops...
Interesting cases don't count!
And call fun.
That's what "school"At school we learn many things:
About my favorite region,
For mountains and oceans,
About continents and countries;
And where a flow of the river,
And what were the Greeks
And what are the sea,
And as the Earth revolves.
In school workshops...
Interesting cases don't count!
And call fun.
That's what "school"
Школа – это светлый дом,
Мы учиться будем в нём.
Там научимся писать,
Складывать и умножать.
В школе многое узнаем:
О своём любимом крае,
О горах и океанах,
О материках и странах;
И куда впадают реки,
И какими были греки,
И какие есть моря,
И как вертится Земля.
В школе мастерские есть…
Интересных дел не счесть!
И звонок весёлый.
Вот что значит "школа"!