1. She put the folder on the desk of the boss (boss). 2. There is nothing interesting in today's newspapers. 3. Today is the birthday of Boris. 4. Everyone is tired, let's take a ten-minute break. 5. My friends' advice is not always helpful, b. Where are the car keys? 7. Tomorrow I will go to the hairdresser and dry cleaning. 8. I liked the idea of Thomas. 9. At the end of the lesson the teacher answers the questions of the students. 10. The future of my children bothers me. 11. I like the novels of Charles Dickens. 12. My younger sister's name is Vera. 13. Reports of those students are excellent. 14. This shop has men's shirts. 15. Many children's toys are made in China.
В России существует около 100 заповедников. Заповедник – уникальное место природы (водное или земное), которое находится под государственной охраной. В зависимости от занимаемой территории заповедники условно делятся на крупные (Баргузинский, Кавказский, Таймырский, Алтайский, Байкальский и др.), средние (Астраханский, Дальневосточный, Воронежский, Уссурийский и др.) и малые (Кивач, Мыс Мартьян, Приокско-Террасный и др.).
Первым официальным государственным природным биосферным заповедником в России стал Баргузинский. Он основан в 1917г в Бурятии. Его площадь – 3743,22 кв.км. Заповедник создавался для сохранения семейства куньих. В 1996г. заповедник получает статус биосферного
There are about 100 nature reserves in Russia. The reserve is a unique place of nature (water or terrestrial), which is under state protection. Depending on the occupied territory, the reserves are conditionally divided into large (Barguzinsky, Caucasian, Taimyr, Altai, Baikalsky, etc.), medium (Astrakhan, Far Eastern, Voronezh, Ussuriysky, etc.) and small (Kivach, Cape Martyan, Prioksko-Terrasny and etc.).
Barguzinsky became the first official state natural biosphere reserve in Russia. It was founded in 1917 in Buryatia. Its area is 3743.22 sq. Km. The reserve was created to preserve the weasel family. In 1996. the reserve receives the status of biosphere