1) When do you go to the cinema?
2) What do you do after school?
3) Why does your brother collect photos or bears?
4) Does your parents work in the shop on Sunday?
5) When does your best friend phone you?
6) Does yourl mother use a computer for her work?
7) Do people call you shy?
3) Yes, they do
4) No, I don't
5) No, I don't
6) Yes, they do
7) Yes, it does
2) G Yes, they do. I'm very hard working.
3) F No, she doesn't. She doesn't like dancing
4) A No, I don't. It's Katharine with a K.
5) H Yes, she does. She writes email every day.
6) D Yes, I do. I love sport.
7) E No, he doesn't. He owns a restaurant.
8) C Yes, you do. Your photos are brilliant.
Английский язык очень дружный язык. Его изучают более 70 % население. И все с радостью могут сказать что английский язык играет большую роль в жизни человека.