1.Fashion includes clothes,make-up,accessories,such as shoes,handbags,gloves,belts,hats,jewelry and glasses.
2.Styles,cuts,designs and the length of clothes change very quickly.
3.Peoplo dress differently in every season.In summer,they usually wear dresses,shorts,various T-shirts and sandals.But in winter something warmer,like trousers,coats,jackets.
4.When going to a concert or to the theatre, people prefer evening dresses and suits.For sports they put on sportswear,such as trousers,shorts,T-shirts and trainers.
4. Is it comfortable to wear school uniform? Why/Why not?
Nowadays, teenagers prefer wearing fashionable clothes to school.But not everyone can afford it.Therefore, some kids may be mean to poor children and it can cause conflicts between classmates.But when everyone wears the same uniform, there is no discrimination or jealousy.They are all equal and focus on studying,not pretty clothes.Moreover,If all pupils wear uniforms, the school will have a prestigious image and will give an example to other institutions.
Therefore,from my point of view, it is more comfortable to wear school uniform in order to teach children respect and discipline.
Everyone can get a lot of fun and emotions for themselves from physical exercises. A lot of psychologists say, that sport is the best mean of struggling with stress. Regular trainings help us to be fresh, give more energy and make us feel good. And thanks to the sport we can make new friends. Sports games and competitions unite people of different ages, classes and nationalities. So, physical culture greatly improves our life.
Even if you don’t want to do team sport, you can train at the gym, jog around the stadium or just do morning gymnastic. Not all physical exercises need expensive equipment and facilities. You can easily do push-ups, squats and pull-ups at home. And bending and stretching will add flexibility and feeling of lightness. That is why everyone must do sport and save his health – it is not so difficult.
I got interested in sport since age 15. Now I am thirty years old. Half of my life is accompanied by trainings and I’m glad it. I really feel my life is getting better. I have a slim and strong body, an agile mind, good health. Over the years of my interest in sport I found many excellent friends. We meet, talk, walk and support each other in competitions. In addition, I met my wife at the gym! So, I can say that sport is my life and my life is sport. No less.