Every person longs to have the kind of a family that is the ideal for him. When we talk of an ideal family, it means that it is the family that a person views to be perfect. Even in a person’s early years in life, admiration of different families starts and thus making one dream of having a family someday that is picture perfect for him.
There are three main characteristics that I deem to be essential in having an ideal family. First, it must have a traditional style. Second, it must have only two to three children. Third,it must have religion.
A traditional family is a functional family in structure. The father need to find means for the whole family’s subsistence. He works and is known to be the bread winner of the family. He will provide the physiologic needs of family and fill the house with love, happiness, security and discipline.
On the other hand, the mother has an extraordinary task in the family and that is to take care of the entire household; this means that she attends to the different needs of the family; she will be the one that wakes up early and sleeps late at night and is a role model in the house; she also has the responsibility of inculcating the best values in their children and giving them the best of care.
The children have to take their education and help the mother to clean the house and in other basic household tasks. The traditional type of family is considered as an ideal type of family. The children, who are the center of care, love and attention must be instilled with good values because they are the pillars of the family. In this type of family, each has to function well and must do their part to make it an ideal family.
The choice of number of children varies with parents.
An ideal is religious because believe in God is the foundation of a strong family and a wonderful home. It comprises a responsible father, loving mother and the obedient children. это на тему семья
Pinocchio - the protagonist of the fairy tale A. Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” (. A long-nosed wooden boy cut from logs by Father Carlo. "A brainless, gullible little fool with short thoughts", but he is decisive, curious, loves adventure and has altruism. His main attribute is the golden key, and the attribute of his clothes is a cap before birth, that is, being floor Enom, he begins to bring confusion into the lives of others, showing his impatient, curious, restless temper. In the way of life Buratino had many troubles because of his character, but he still won the hearts of young readers and viewers