Children in Victorian timesVictoria was the Queen of England, from 1837 to 1901. During early Victorian times, poor children worked from the age of five to feed themselves and their families. These jobs were not easy and were often dangerous.A lot of children also worked in cotton « factories. When the cotton threads broke, children went into the machines to fix \ them. This was very dangerous.The masters were often cruel. Children worked long hours for very low wages. A lot of children had health problems and accidents.Lord Shaftesbury helped to stop adults from using young children at work. He started free schools for poor children. By the end of Victorian times all children went to school until the age of 10.
8. there were a lot of people coming back from__their__ work9. every season is beautiful own way. 10. they would like a house of__their__ own. 11. i'll try , i promise. own customs and traditions. 12. every country has _its own charm__13. he cut__his__ finger this evening. pen, i've lost 14. lend me __yours__15. they're going to london with some students of __theirs__16. this is not my is red. 17. i haven't got a pen. can you give coat, please. 18. take off__yours__ 19. we went on holiday with some friends of works in a bank..
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