depends / this water / on / on / Earth / life / all.
All life on Earth depends on (this???) water
All life on (this??) Earth depends on water
a / blanket / gases /of / by / surrounded / is / the / Earth.
The Earth is surrounded by a blanket of gases
layer / the / ozone / scientists / are / about / concerned.
Scientists are concerned about the ozone layer
lakes / to / protect / we / streams / rivers / can / oceans / help.
We can help to protect streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans
the Earth / anyone / can / green / help / to / keep.
Anyone can help to keep the Earth green
greenhouse / trees / fight / help / effect / and us / give / oxy-gen.
Trees give oxygen and help us fight the greenhouse effect
April / 22 / day / Earth / inhabitants / of / celebrate / Earth.
The inhabitants of Earth celebrate Earth Day on April the 22nd.
air / polluted / for / people / trees / other / plants / but / for / animals / is / not / only bad.
Polluted air is not only bad for people, but (also) for plants, trees, and other animals
harmful / for / acid / to / plants / is / rain / rivers / live / in / creatures / them.
Acid rain is harmful to rivers, plants, and creatures that live in them
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