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Выпишите из текста неизвестные слова Mr Harris liked trains. He was afraid of aeroplanes, and didn’t like buses.
But trains — they were big and noisy and exciting. When he was a boy of ten, he liked trains. Now he was a man of fifty, and he still liked trains. So he was a happy man on the night of the 14th of September.

He was on the night train from Helsinki to Oulu in Finland, and he had ten hours in front of him. ‘I’ve got a book and my newspaper,’ he thought. ‘And there’s a good restaurant on the train. And then I’ve got two weeks’ holiday with my Finnish friends in Oulu.’

There weren’t many people on the train, and nobody came into Mr Harris’s carriage. He was happy about that. Most people on the train slept through the night, but Mr Harris liked to look out of the window, and to read and think. After dinner in the restaurant Mr Harris came back to his carriage, and sat in his seat next to the window.

For an hour or two he watched the trees and lakes of Finland out of the window.
Then it began to get dark, so he opened his book and began to read. At midnight the train stopped at the small station of Otava. Mr Harris looked out of the window, but he saw nobody. The train moved away from the station, into the black night again. Then the door of Mr Harris’s carriage opened, and two people came in. A young man and a young woman.

The young woman was angry. She closed the door and shouted at the man: ‘Carl! You can’t do this to me!’ The young man laughed loudly and sat down. Mr Harris was a small, quiet man. He wore quiet clothes, and he had a quiet voice. He did not like noisy people and loud voices. So he was not pleased. ‘Young people are always noisy,’ he thought. ‘Why can’t they talk quietly?’

He put his book down and closed his eyes. But he could not sleep because the two young people didn’t stop talking. The young woman sat down and said in a quieter voice: ‘Carl, you’re my brother and I love you, but please listen to me. You can’t take my diamond necklace. Give it back to me now. Please!’

Carl smiled. ‘No, Elena,’ he said. ‘I’m going back to Russia soon, and I’m taking your diamonds with me.’ He took off his hat and put it on the seat. ‘Elena, listen. You have a rich husband, but I , I have no money. I have nothing! How can I live without money? You can’t give me money, so I need your diamonds, little sister.’

Mr Harris looked at the young woman. She was small, with black hair and dark eyes. Her face was white and afraid. Mr Harris began to feel sorry for Elena. She and her brother didn’t look at him once. ‘Can’t they see me?’ he thought.

‘Carl,’ Elena said. Her voice was very quiet now, and Mr Harris listened carefully. ‘You came to dinner at our house tonight, and you went to my room and took my diamond necklace. How could you do that to me? My husband gave the diamonds to me. They were his mother’s diamonds before that. He’s going to be very, very angry , and I’m afraid of him.’

Her brother laughed. He put his hand in his pocket, then took it out again and opened it slowly. The diamond necklace in his hand was very beautiful. Mr Harris stared at it. For a minute or two nobody moved and it was quiet in the carriage. There was only the noise of the train, and it went quickly on through the dark cold night.

Mr Harris opened his book again, but he didn’t read it. He watched Carl’s face, with its hungry eyes and its cold smile.

‘What beautiful, beautiful diamonds!’ Carl said. ‘I can get a lot of money for these.’
‘Give them back to me, Carl,’ Elena whispered, ‘My husband’s going to kill me. You’re my brother… Please help me. Please!’
Carl laughed again, and Mr Harris wanted to hit him. ‘Go home, little sister,’ Carl said. ‘I’m not going to give the diamonds back to you. Go home to your angry husband.’

Suddenly there was a knife in the young woman’s hand. A long, bright knife. Mr Harris watched with his mouth open. He couldn’t speak or move.
‘Give the diamonds back to me!’ Elena cried. ‘Or I’m going to kill you!’ Her hand on the knife was white.
Carl laughed and laughed. ‘What a sister!’ he said. ‘What a kind, sweet sister! No, they’re my diamonds now. Put your knife away, little sister.’
But the knife in the white hand moved quickly: up, then down. There was a long, terrible cry, and Carl’s body fell slowly on to the seat. The colour of the seat began to change to red, and the diamond necklace fell from Carl’s hand on to the floor.

Elena’s face was white. ‘Oh no!’ she whispered. ‘Carl! Come back… come back! I didn’t want to kill you!’ But Carl didn’t answer, and the red blood ran slowly over the floor. Elena put her head in her hands, and again in the carriage there was a long, terrible cry.

Mr Harris’s face was white too. He opened his mouth, but he couldn’t speak. He stood up, and carefully moved to the door. The young woman was quiet now. She didn’t move or look up at Mr Harris.


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Понятие роботов восходит к древности, когда некоторые мифы, рассказанные механических существ привлечены к жизни. Такое автоматы также появилась в заводных fig¬ures средневековых церквей, а в 18 веке получила некоторые часовщик с славу для умных механических fig¬ures, что они построены. В настоящее время термин автомат, как правило, применяется для них ручной, механический (вместо электромеханического) устройств, имитирующих движения живых существ. Некоторые из «роботов» используются в рекламе и развлечений на самом деле автоматов, даже с добавлением дистанционного управления. Сам термин робот происходит от чешского слова, означающего Робота, «Принудительный труд». Впервые он был использован в Чешской романист и драматург Карел Чапек, чтобы описать механическое устройство, которое выглядит как человек, но, не имея человеческого чувствительность, могут выполнять только автоматические, механические операции. Роботы, как их называют сегодня не только подражать человека или другие живые формы. Правда роботы не было словцо стало возможным, однако, до inven¬tion компьютера в 1940 и miniaturiza¬tion компьютерных частей. Один из первых настоящих роботов был экспериментальной моделью разработан исследователями в Стэнфордском исследовательском институте в конце 1960-х годов. Было ca¬pable из организации блоков в штабеля через использование телевизионной камеры в качестве визуального датчика, обработки этой информации в небольшом компьютере. Компьютеры сегодня оснащаются микропроцессорами, которые могут обрабатывать данные, подаваемого на них различными датчиками окружающей среды. Пользуясь принципу обратной связи, роботы могут изменить свои opera¬tions до некоторой степени в ответ на изменения в этой envi¬ronment. Коммерческое использование роботов распространяется, с увеличением автоматизации заводов, и они стали важными для многих лабораторных процедур. Япония является самой передовой нацией изучения робототехники. В настоящее время роботы продолжают расширять свои приложения. В самодельные роботы (горничная), доступные сегодня, могут быть одним из признаков будущего.
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На улице пасмурно, можно сходить к другу или поиграть в компьютер. можно сделать уроки или убраться дома. можно просто ничего не делать. можно поспать. также можно почитать книгу или сделать аппликацию, поделку. полазить по соц. сетям посмотреть фильм или мультфильм
outside overcast, you can go to a friend or play the computer. you can make lessons or to clean the house. you can just do nothing. you can get some sleep. also you can read a book or do applique, crafts. to climb on the social. networks to watch a movie or cartoon. я это сам придумал не копировал не откуда.
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