Pie and mash is one of Britain’s most traditional dishes! The first pie and mash shop daes back two hundred years. Today, pie ad mash shops are very simple and cheap places to eat.
Как я думаю это самое главное в тексте.
People think that natural fabrics do less harm than synthetic ones, sometimes it is not true. For example, it takes much more pesticides to grow the cotton than it takes cotton to use it for making clothes. Moreover, cotton things may be colored but only with the chemical paints. Unfortunately, the chemicals become a waste that poisons our environment.
By the way, you don't need to worry, because today you can easily buy organic things (clothes). They are much better for the environment. There are some some different options that can be offered to you.
Постаралась передать суть, надеюсь, что вышло :>
My name is (Ваше имя), I am (Ваш возраст) years old. I would like to tell you about my day off.
Sunday is my favorite day of the week, because it is not necessary to get up early and go to school.
On Sunday I get up later than usually, make my bed, go to the bathroom, wash my face and clean my teeth. Then we have breakfast all together. On Sunday my mother usually bakes pancakes, they are very delicious. We drink tea or coffee and eat pancakes with jam. After breakfast I help my mother to clear the table and wash the dishes.
Then I go outside to play with my friends. In winter we go skiing. In summer my father and I go to the swimming pool, especially when it is very hot.
At one o’clock we have dinner.
After dinner we have a short rest. My father goes to his study and reads newspapers. My mother watches TV, my younger sister sleeps. I usually go to my room, read a book, listen to music or do my homework for the next week.
In the evening we go to the park all together. It’s very big and beautiful. There are a lot of different park amusements there. My sister and I like to go on the rides very much or just go for a walk with our parents. Our mother and father often buy us candy floss or popcorn. Then we go to a café and order the biggest pizza. We eat, talk and laugh.
We come home at ten o’clock in the evening, satisfied, tired and very happy that we have had such a wonderful day off.
Магазины пирогов и пюре
Пирог с пюре - одно из самых традиционных блюд Британии! Это именно то, что написано: мясные пироги с картофельным пюре в соусе из зелени. Первый магазин по продаже пирогов и пюре появился на двести лет назад. Сегодня магазины с пирогами и пюре - это очень простые и дешевые места, где можно поесть.