If you can find something useful and positive even in a bad situation, you can be called an optimist
Питання №2 ?
I like good-humored people because they make me laugh when I am upset.
Питання №3 ?
Denis can work alone or in a team. He is flexible and can get used to any conditions.
Питання №4 ?
Match the words/word combinations on the left (1-4) with the tenses (A-Д) they are most likely used in.
1 - a week ago, last Wednesday, when I was 6
2 - in two minutes, next weekend, when I am free
3 - usually, twice a day, in the mornings
4 - at the moment, right now
А - Future Simple
Б - Present Perfect
В - Present Simple
Г - Present Continuous
Д - Past Simple
1 - Д
2 - А
3 - В
4 - Б
Питання №5 ?
He's too lazy to buy any new clothes.
Питання №6 ?
Will Julie go to the cinema tomorrow?
Питання №7 ?
Where did he spend last summer?
Питання №8 ?
-What is your brother doing?
-He’s an architect.
Task 1. Read the text carefully Select if the statements are TRUE or FALSE, put a tick in an appropria
column and EXPLAIN your choice.
A survey says people should
not use the Internet.
The survey said Internet
addicts needed to get online
Researchers questioned over
2,540 people in their study.
4. A professor said we know a
lot about Internet addiction.
5. The professor said addicts
had no problem with day-to
day activities.
Internet addicts suffer from
depression more than non
7. Internet addicts find it more
i difficult to manage their
8. We need to know if mental
health problems, create
Internet addiction.