text about the fisherman
In the early summer morning, our way lies on a fishing trip. The sun is just rising from the horizon, and nature is still asleep. In the lowlands, a milky white fog creeps. The first bee buzzes softly in the warm air of a still morning. Others will join her soon. we make our way along a narrow path among dark green bushes to a small river. The grass, covered with morning dew, touches our feet.
The river is winding, not wide, but in some places quite deep. its banks are becoming more and more overgrown with reeds and shrubs every year. Washed-up seaweed is scattered on the gently sloping shore. a wave splashes gently against a small raft.
we climb into the reeds and settle down with fishing rods. a few fishermen from nearby towns were already lurking there. the angler's tackle is simple. after casting the fishing rods, the fishing enthusiast looks at the flexible twig on the shore for a while. but now the branch begins to shake, and soon several fish are fluttering by the bucket: perch, roach, silver ide.
fishing is, of course, an interesting thing!
текст про рыбака
Ранним летним утром наш путь лежит на рыбалку. Солнце только-только встаёт из-за горизонта, и природа еще дремлет. В низменных местах расстилается молочно-белый туман. Первая пчелка тихонечко жужжит в теплом воздухе притихшего утра. Скоро к ней присоединятся другие. По узкой тропинке среди темно-зеленых зарослей кустарников пробираемся к небольшой речонке. Покрытая утренней росой трава касается наших ног.
Речка извилистая, неширокая, но местами достаточно глубока. Берега ее с каждым годом все сильнее зарастают тростником, кустами. На пологом берегу раскиданы прибитые водой водоросли. Волна тихо плещется, ударяет о небольшой плот.
Забираемся в камышовые заросли и устраиваемся с удочками. Там уже притаились несколько рыбаков, приехавших из ближайших городков. Снасть рыболова незатейлива. Закинув удочки, любитель порыбачить в течение некоторого времени пристально смотрит на гибкий прутик на берегу. Но вот прутик начинает вздрагивать и вскоре у ведёрка трепещет несколько рыбешек: окунёк, плотва, серебряный язь.
Рыбалка — вещь, конечно, интересная!
travelling is very popular nowadays. a lot of people travel to different countries if they have such opportunity. travelling allows you to get interesting experience, learn about people’s life in other countries and continents. i think it is very interesting to discover new things, new places and different ways of life. while on travel, you meet new people, try different meals; see world famous places with your own eyes.
these are many ways of traveling — by train, by plain, by ship, on foot. if you want to visit a far country, you’ll definitely choose a flight. if your aim is to see many countries for a short time, you’ll choose travelling by bus or by car. if you want to be closer to nature, you may choose a trip on foot.
lots of people nowadays live in big cities. so it’s natural that they want to have a holiday by the sea or in the mountains with nothing to do but relaxing. there is other sort of travellers. they want to visit as many countries as possible. so after exploring europe and north america they go to exotic countries.
people who travel a lot, are very interesting, they always have a good story to tell. thanks to them you can learn many things which you didn’t know before. they motivate to see something new, to explore the world, which is so easy to do nowadays. any kind of travel helps you to understand many things that you would never see or learn at home.
as english people say — a picture is worth a thousand words. and i totally agree with them.