Peter likes to be near the sea. He/walk/beach. — Питер любит быть рядом с морем
He is going to walk on the beach. — Он собирается прогуляться по пляжу
Anne studies local customs. She/learn/local dances. — Анна изучает местные обычаи
She is going to learn some local dances — Она собирается изучить некоторые местные танцы
Jill, Betty and Ken are at a campsite. They/sleep/a tent. — Джилл, Бетти и Кен на лагерной стоянке.
They are going to sleep in a tent. — Они собираются спать в палатке
My sister and I love history. We/visit/a museum. — Моя сестра и я любим историю.
We are going to visit a museum — Мы собираемся посетить музей
35. All roads lead to Rome. (to lead)
36. I miss home so much! (to feel homesick)
37. The team trains hard all winter until they won a single game. (to train, to win)
38. All is well that ends well. (to end)
39. Aren't you thinking about selling this house? (to think)
40. Jeans have been in fashion for over a century. (to be in fashion)
41. Nobody knows where he lives. (to know, to live)
42. The weather has been terrible lately. (to be)
43. Have you ever pretended to be ill to avoid going to school? (to pretend)
44. I have known her since childhood. (to know)
45. You ask where he is? As far as I know, he is taking a history exam. (to take)