)the computer games are played by children every day. - в компьютерные игры дети играют каждый день. 2) tasty dinner is cooked by my mother every sunday.- вкусный ужин готовится мамой каждое воскресенье. 3) the floor is washed in our flat on fridays.- пол в нашей квартире моется по пятницам. 4) nice snowmen are made by my little sister every winter. - красивые снеговики лепятся моей маленькой сестрой каждую зиму. 5) my room is cleaned by me on thursdays. - моя комната прибирается мною по четвергам.
William Shakespeare is probably the most famous playwright of all time. It is therefore quite surprising that little is 1known about his life. There is a period between 1586 and 1592 2 which is a complete mystery even today. Was he a teacher in Wales, a travelling actor or perhaps a spy 3 all/during these years? A new Spanish film, Miguel and William, may 4 add another theory to the existing ones. The film-makers are suggesting, that Shakespeare spent this time in Spain with Miguel Cervantes, author of the famous novel Don Quixote. And there seems to be some evidence for this. Both men 5 had left their wives at that period and the film offers a romantic reason too – a Spanish actress 6 named Leonor that both men are believed to be in love.