been to the USA.
I. Напишите пять значимых для вас событий.
1. my first day at school. sister's birth new telephone holidays in Dubai new dog
II. Ранжируйте события по степени важности для вас (письменно).
Фразы для использования:
I think the most important event is my sister's birth
The second most important event is my first day at school
The third my holidays in Dubai
I’ll never forget my new dog
What comes to my mind is my new telephone
III. Напишите вопросы (6 вопросов) для диалога (чтобы вы хотели узнать о значимых событиях вашего собеседника).
1.Why do you remember this?
2.When did it happen?
3.How old were you?
4.Do you want to repeat it?
5.Were you alone that time?
6.Was it only once?
Fill in the gaps.
There are thousands of endangered plant and animal __species_ in the world.
Global _warming__ is caused by a phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect.
The three forms of _fossil__ fuel are oil, natural gas and coal.
Greenhouse _gases__ trap heat in the atmosphere, which makes the Earth warmer.
The Antarctic _ozone__ hole was discovered in 1985.
Each molecule of __carbon_ dioxide consists of one atom of carbon and two atoms of oxygen.
Switching to ___ energy-saving light bulbs is the easiest way to start saving energy.
When we burn fossil fuels, this releases all sorts of gases into the air causing air pollution such as smog.
Climate _change__ is one of the biggest threats we face today.
We cannot see or feel __UV__ radiation, but our skin responds to it by turning darker.
1. I have never been to the USA.