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Тест на тему: Great Britain 1. Where is Great Britain situated?
a) in the Western part of Europe
b) in the Eastern part of Europe
c) in the Northern Eastern part of Europe
d) in the Southern part of Europe
2. Great Britain is …
a) an island
b) a peninsula
c) a continent
d) a group of islands
3. There are over small islands in the system of the British Isles.
a) 10 000
b) 5 000
c) 3 000
d) 2 000
4. What is the official name of this country?
a) England
b) Great Britain
c) Britain
d) The United Kingdom oа Great Britain and Northern Ireland
5. What countries does the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
consist of?
a) Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales
b) Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales
c) England, Wales, Scotland
d) Britain, England, Wales, Scotland
6. What parts does Great Britain comprise of?
a) Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales
b) Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales
c) England, Wales, Scotland
d) Britain, England, Wales, Scotland
7. Which part does not belong to the UK?

a) Northern Ireland
b) Scotland
c) The Republic of Ireland
d) Wales
8. What country is the largest in the UK?
a) Northern Ireland
b) England
c) Scotland
d) Wales
9. What country is the smallest in the UK?
a) Northern Ireland
b) England
c) Scotland
d) Wales
10. What part of Great Britain borders on the Independent Irish Republic on land?
a) England
b) Scotland
c) Wales
d) Northern Ireland
11. What is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?
a) London
b) Edinburgh
c) Newcastle
d) Cardiff
12. What is the capital of England?
a) London
b) Edinburgh
c) Belfast
d) Cardiff
13. What is the capital of Scotland?
a) Glasgow
b) Edinburgh
c) Belfast
d) Cardiff

14. What is the capital of Wales?
a) Birmingham
b) Edinburgh
c) Belfast
d) Cardiff
15. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
a) Canterbury
b) Edinburgh
c) Belfast
d) Cardiff
16. What's the capital of the Republic of Ireland?
a) Cork
b) Dublin
c) Belfast
d) Cardiff
17. What channel separates the British Isles from the continent?
a) the Bristol Channel
b) the English Channel
c) the St. George’s Channel
d) the Suez Canal
18. How do the English call the English Channel?
a) St. George’s Channel
b) La Manche
c) Strait of Dover
d) Pais de Calais
19. What strait do we usually call the narrowest part of the English Channel?
a) the Strait of Gibraltar
b) the Strait of Dover
c) the Strait of Florida
d) Gulf Stream
20. The British Isles are separated from the European continent by …..
a) by the Irish Sea
b) by the North Sea and the English Channel
c) by the Chaviot Hills

d) by the Irish Sea and the English Channel
21. What is the western coast of the British Isles washed by?
a) By the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Okhotsk
b) By the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea
c) By the Arctic Ocean and the White Sea
d) By the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea
22. What is the eastern coast of the British Isles washed by?
a) By the North Sea
b) By the Celtic Sea
c) By the Irish Sea
d) By the English Channel
23. Who was Shakespeare?
a) a prime minister
b) a king
c) a poet
d) a painter
24. The mountains which separate England from Scotland are …..
a) the Cambrians
b) the Grampians
c) the Cheviot Hills
d) the Pennines
25. What mountains are situated in the North of England and stretch down almost to
its middle?
a) the Pennines
b) the Highlands
c) the Cambrians
d) the Cheviot Hills
26. Where are the Cambrian mountains situated?
a) In England
b) In Scotland
c) In Wales
d) In the Northern Ireland
27. The tallest mountains in Great Britain are …..

a) the Highlands
b) the Cambrians
c) the Cheviots
d) the Pennines
28. Where is Ben Nevis situated?
a) in Scotland
b) in Wales
c) in England
d) in the Northern Ireland
29. The longest river of Great Britain is …… .
a) the Thames
b) the Tyne
c) the Severn
d) the Clyde
30. The deepest river of Great Britain is …….
a) the Thames
b) the Avon
c) the Severn
d) the Mersey
31. The climate of Great Britain is
a) dry
b) frosty
c) mild
d) tropical

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    (буду писать выдуманное имя и   в present continius)                 hi julia,     i hope you're well. i'm drinking tea and write the letter to you.     all the family are here and are busy too. mum's in the kitchen. she's making a chocolate cake. dad's washing his new car. it's hard work. my big sister, lis, is helping our mother. she's washing the dishes. my dog , jake , is plaing in the garden. what are you doing? any plans for saturday? write back soon.           love,           (и здесь вставить свое имя)
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СОРИ БАЛЫ НАДО точек частицу to перед инфинитивом там, где это необходимо.

1. My parents allow me … invite my friends home. 2. Most people find him difficult … deal with. 3. Did anyone hear John … leave the house? 4. They ask me … do it. 5. We all thought the plan … be wise. 6. We can’t allow them … be¬have so badly. 7. You won’t make me … do that. 8. At last they made him … write a letter to his aunt. 9. I would rather … speak to my Dad. 10. I never saw you … look so well before. 11. What makes you … behave so? 12. I felt this … be true. 13. I felt my heart… jump. 14. Kate was the last …come to school. 15. What …do? 16. I saw him … enter the room. 18. They heard the girl… cry out with joy. 19. I would rather … stay at home today. 20. You look tired. You had better … go home.

Нам нужно больше времени для публикации этого ответа Объяснение:em … be¬have so badly. 7. You won’t make me … do that. 8. At last they made him … write a letter to his aunt. 9. I would rather … speak to my Dad. 10. I never saw you … look so well before. 11. What makes you … behave so? 12. I felt this … be true. 13. I

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