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27.04.2022 18:47 •  Английский язык

The kide are amiling, laughina, ahoutiaz jumping and aplorins. Thayre kappy as thay. have their eun Funning track a3 part of e soslal caheel projsct. It coutinued to he miny and gray ali week. The sm came out for the balf dny on Friday, but the studento ol couldn't enjay t as the school track was teo muddy. "How Gan we make it passibia to ua the trmek in any wather" one bay aid. That wam how the atudonts started to plam their prajeat enlled "The Running Track". Togethor with thair PBand Bnglish tenchers thay outlined the steps of the project. Firatly, they idantified the probiem and gathared the necessanyinformation an it. Then, they made a list of the things needed to calve and discussed who they could addreas for help. After that they developed a cnss portfollo and presentad t to the andience. Granting that running track from eamtoh cas not on enmy inek. Oar role was quite almple. Provide a epace and ingredients - the kids did the rest. Many mnds mnke grent play." the projecet soordinntor, said. "Now we're proud of whnt we've dono. "When we think of all the axparionco- wo know thnt it wil hava a pagie tive lasting impaet on our future gyannastun Me. We love sport and now we bave botter aporte facilitics, the studente eaid. "Ke good to be ccially and physienlly actve."

1. Тест
1. Why did thе students decide to start a social project? A. They wanted to have fun. B. They wanted to use the trаck in any wеаther. C. They spend more time outdoors. 2. What was the name of the project? A. Saving the River B. The Running Track C. Keep the Town Clean. 3. What did the students do after they had idetified the problem? A. They developed a clnss porolio. B. They had to gather information on the problem. С. They presented their project bafore an nudience. 4. What did the teachers do? A. They helped the students with the resources. B. The gilded the project. С. They judged the project. 5. What do the students think of the result of their work? A. They wanted to be socially active. B. They want to write an article about it. C. They feel honoured to have this opportunity. 6. Which step of the project is depicted in the picture. A. Identification of the problem. B. Reflecting on students learning experience. C. Presentation of the project before an audience.

2. Соотнашение
1. To analyze 2. To complete 3. To outline 4. To identify 5. To develop 6. To present 7. To discuss 8. To reflect 9. To avoid. A. the steps B. the problem C. a project before an audience D. how everything has been done E. on students' learning experience F. a week day G. mistakes H. class portfolio. I. a project​

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My favourite town
I live in a wonderful, beautiful town. I love it very much. The name of my town is Kotovo. It is situated not far from Volgograd.
I have arrived to live in this town recently. I have lived in St.-Petersburg before. Kotovo differs from big cities greatly. It is small and quiet. Life is measured, calm and kind. Everyone knows each other. People are kind, beautiful, native, close in my town. You don`t feel lonely here, as a rule it happens in big cities.
There are a library, a cinema, a palace of culture, a museum, a big sports hall and five schools in my town. Also there is a swimming pool in the sports hall. Children of my city like to visit it. There is a very beautiful central park. It is very beautiful in spring and summer. I like to have a rest, to sit on the bench and to read a book in the park. I like to walk on foot around the city, because I like to dream about my future. Kotovo is a magic place, especially in the evening. There are many old houses, monuments, small and narrow streets in the town. All these things create fantastic, mysterious atmosphere. I have met my love, my husband in this town.
Kotovo is the best town in the earth. And when I leave from it I always miss it very much. You can`t fall in love with my town.
Я живу в прекрасном, красивом городе. Я очень люблю его. Название моего города Котово. Он распложен не далеко от Волгограда.
Я приехала жить в этот город недавно. До этого я жила в Санкт-Петербурге. Котово очень отличается от больших городов. Он маленький и тихий. Жизнь размеренная, спокойная и добрая. Каждый знает друг друга. В моем Городе люди добрые, красивые, родные, близкие. Ты не чувствуешь себя одиноким здесь, как правило это случается в больших городах.
В моем городе есть библиотека, кинотеатр, дом культуры, музей, большой спортивный зал и пять школ. Также есть бассейн в спортивном зале. Дети моего города любят посещать его. Есть очень красивый центральный парк. Он очень красивый весной и летом. Я люблю отдохнуть, посидеть на скамейке и почитать книгу в этом парке. Я люблю гулять пешком по городу, потому что я люблю мечтать о будущем. Котово сказочное место, особенно вечером. Есть много старых домов, памятников, маленьких узких улиц в городе. Все эти вещи создают сказочную, таинственную атмосферу. Я встретила свою любовь, своего мужа в этом городе.
Котово самый лучший город на земле. И когда я уезжаю из него я всегда очень скучаю по нему. Вы не сможете не полюбить мой город.
4,4(60 оценок)
Moscow is my native city and I have been living here for more than 20 years. — 
(I have been to many cities, but Moscow will always be in my heart. — Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation and the administrative center of the Moscow region, it is also the largest Russian city with over 12 million residents. Moscow is located on the Moskva River in the European part of the country. Most historians agree that this river gave its name to the city. The Moscow Metro is considered to be one of the most beautiful underground systems in the world. Indeed, many of the stations have beautiful murals on the walls.There is a great variety of landmarks in Moscow, some of them were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The most famous are: the Kremlin, Red Square, St. Basil's Cathedral, the Armoury Chamber. If you’re planning to stay in Moscow for a while, don’t forget to pay a visit to the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts and The Tretyakov Gallery.

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