Present Simple: 1. I do morning exercises every day Present Continuous: 2. I'm eating porridge now
Present Perfect: 3. I have done my hometask Present Perfect Continuous: 4. I have been doing this project for 2 weeks Past Simple: 5. I walked yesterday. Past Continuous: 6. When my mother came home, I was helping my brother with his task.
Past Perfect: 7. I didn’t want to go to the cinema yesterday, because I had already seen the film Past Perfect Continuous: 8. I had been waiting for his airplane for 2 hours when it was announced about delay.
The United States is more than 1/3 of the continent of North America-США занимают свыше 1/3 территорий континента Северной Америки. By the territory (9, 4 million. Km2) is in fourth place in the world (after Russia, Canada, China).-По площади территории (9, 4 млн. км2) находятся на четвертом месте в мире (после Российской Федерации, Канады, Китая) The highest point of the circuit - Mount Elbert, its height is 4,399 km. And the highest point of the continental territory - Mount Whitney (4.421 km)-Самая высшая точка этой цепи - гора Элберт, ее высота 4,399 км. А самая высока точка континентальной территории - гора Уитни (4.421 км)
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