Я лучше других своей ответственностью и порядочностью. Я всегда в беде, не то, что другие. Я никогда не зазнаюсь, даже если есть повод. Меня все ценят и уважают. Я ко всему отношусь бережно, с любовью. У меня много друзей. Я гордость родителей. Учусь на отлично. Учителя меня любят. Я не предатель. I am better than others with my responsibility and decency. I will always help in trouble, not that others. I never get cocky, even if there is a reason. I am all appreciated and respected. I treat everything with care, with love. I have many friends. I am the pride of my parents. I study perfectly. Teachers love me. I'm not a traitor.
1. When you cross the road, always be careful. 2. There’s a train coming. Watch out! 3. When there are no vacant seats in the bus I always use the handgrip. 4. There’s no pavement here. We can stand on the road. 5. Drivers and pedestrians must follow the traffic signs. 6. When you ride a bike, always ride with the flow of traffic. 7. Before riding a bike check its brakes. 8. People must use pavement side when they get out of the car . 9. Can you park your car near this park? 10. My brother has got a driving license he is buying a car.
When did he write the great poem?