My Attitude to Sports If you want to be healthy, strong and beautiful you should go in for sports. If you want to keep yourselves fit, you should go in for sport regularly. Nobody likes to be stout and clumsy.
We enjoy watching nice bodies of sportsmen, their strength and adroitness.
When I go in for sports I feel wonderful. I don't sneeze or cough. I am cheerful, active and full of energy. I try to do some training almost every day. In summer I go swimming or rowing. I enjoy spending winter holidays in the country. There I can ski or skate. Certainly, it depends on the weather. But all the same in the country there are more possibilities for this than in town.
For those who have already determined to go in for sport is very important to choose the kind of sport he likes best. Some games are quiet; others are very lively, active. Some kinds of sports need simple equipment’s and facilities, others — rather complex ones.
First touch to sports and games we make in childhood. Later on in school we discover our favourite sports and games. I doubt whether the bare idea that sport is helpful to make us healthy, will make somebody go in for sport if he doesn't like physical exercises. That's why the lessons of physical training at school are very important.
At school we have PT lessons twice a week. Our sports teacher is a reasonable woman. She realizes that those who want to become professionals attend specialized sport sections but the majority of us will remain amateurs.
Our teacher considers her pupils must enjoy sports, then they will go in for sports and when they graduate from school. And I completely agree with her.
As for me I enjoy basketball. Basketball is a dynamic and interesting game. It develops many good qualities such as rapid reaction, accuracy, dexterity, agility, endurance, will-power and collective spirit. The object of the game is quite simple. To win you must put the ball through the hoop more often than your opponent. This means the basketball player must learn to shoot effectively. All the players may take part in both the attack and the defence.
I have already realized that sport is desperately necessary for everybody. I'd like to give you advice: if you haven't chosen the kind of sport for you yet, do it and you'll see: your life will become more interesting.
1. Strong and beautiful you should go in for……. 2.If you want to keep yourselves………. you should go in for sport regularly 3.In summer I go ……… or rowing is ……… to make us healthy
5. your …….. will become more interesting
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Мурадымовское ущелье: описание, как добраться, фото
Природный парк «Мурадымовское ущелье» - одно из красивейших мест Башкирии. Он создан в 1998 году в долине реки Большой Ик.
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Природный парк «Мурадымовское ущелье» — одно из красивейших мест Башкирии. Он создан в 1998 году в долине реки Большой Ик. Общая площадь образованного парка – более 23 тысяч гектаров. С севера на юг парк «Мурадымовское ущелье» вытянут на 28 километров, а его средняя ширина – 8-10 километров.
Само Мурадымовское ущелье представляет из себя скалистый каньон, вытянутый вдоль реки Большой Ик.
Главные достопримечательности парка «Мурадымовского ущелья» — это пещеры. Их найдено здесь более 40. Таким образом, здесь самая высокая в Башкирии концентрация пещер.
Наиболее известны три пещеры Мурадымовского ущелья — Старомурадымовская, Новомурадымовская и грот Голубиный.