On the right bank of the Amur River is one of the large cities of the Far East, the capital of the Khabarovsk Territory - the city of Khabarovsk. It got its name in honor of the Russian pioneer. Erofei Khabarov. A monument to him stands near the railway station. He was the first to predict that these lands would be richer than the land during the Lena River.
Khabarovsk is also closely associated with the name of the Governor-General of Siberia and the Far East Nikolai Muravyov-Amursky. And also with the explorer of the Far East, Admiral Gennady Nevelskoy. It was he who proved that ships can sail along the Amur.
Thanks to Muravyov-Amursky, the territorial dispute with China over the Ussuri River was resolved. The left bank went to Russia, and the right to China. To gain a foothold on their shore, the military began to build a settlement. In addition to the military, peasants lived in it - immigrants from the Western regions of the Russian Empire. And the settlement was called Khabarovka.
Since 1880, it has been considered a city. They built a railway line to Vladivostok and a bridge over the Amur. Now residents of the city could travel both west and east.
Famous people stayed in Khabarovsk. Writer Anton Chekhov when he went to Sakhalin. The last emperor of Russia, Nicholas II, when he made his round the world tour.
Although Khabarovsk is far from Moscow, the distance by rail is more than 8500 km. But it doesn't evoke the feeling of a provincial, abandoned city. The population is over 600 thousand people. Khabarovsk is one of the most comfortable city in Russia. There are many parks, squares, trees are planted along the streets. There is where to hide from the summer heat. The squares are bathed in flowers in the summer. The townspeople take care of flower beds and lawns.
Khabarovsk lies in a zone of temperate monsoon climate. Therefore, summer is warm and rainy here. And winters are dry, frosty and snowy. Despite this, the sun shines for the townspeople more than 300 days a year. This is more in terms of the number of days than in Moscow and Sochi.
And what a beautiful arboretum here! More precisely, a botanical garden. Here you can find plants from all over the world. They have taken root here, despite the harsh winters.
In the city park "Dynamo" there are three ponds where you can ride water bikes. And in the evening, appreciate the magnificent show of musical fountains. A zoo has been built in the city. All its inhabitants live in large enclosures, almost like in nature.
And our cathedral is in third place in height after the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and St. Isaac's Cathedral. I love my city and do not want to leave it.
I agree that food should be enjoyed but not all products affordable to everyone ...when finances sing romances" - to choose not to have. about diets will answer: ...flag-diet... "finances sing romances" - the majority of our retirees, and perhaps in the future this same diet is waiting and more Mature generation, emergency... . ...fashion (a large number of variety of diets for weight loss, examples are pop stars, popular leaders, policy ) diet for health reasons ( i.e .vital diet) . Age diet (sometimes the child cannot give what adults eat : hot peppers, pickles, products, special Ambassador and cooking ...) diet religion (Don't agree?... fish days, fast days... . In some cases, diet is the affirmation of his position, education willpower, fortitude... .
•В реальной жизни не сложно привыкнуть есть здоровую еду. Всё, что вам предстоит сделать – понять, насколько это важно. Правильная еда поддерживает здоровье и эмоциональную стабильность. Когда вы просыпаетесь, вы чувствуете себя счастливым на протяжении всего дня, вы учиться и концентрироваться на разных задачах Как известно, сбалансированное питание предотвратить старение кожи и делает ее болеет свежей и сияющей. Если вы страдаете от акне, то первым делом, чтобы что-то изменить, перестаньте есть нездоровую еду. Свежие и низкокалорийные продукты улучшают кровяное давление. Фрукты и овощи улучшить настроение и предотвращают многие заболевания. Для людей, которые занимаются спортом, также полезно контролировать питание, так как это дает возможность показать лучший результат. Подбивая итог, здоровое питание улучшить общее состояние организма. Вы избавитесь от боли в желудке и головной боли. Вы обретете здоровую кожу, обворожительную улыбку и хорошее настроение. Вы заметите, как изменилось пищеварение и у вас будет сильное и здоровое тело! •Радужная диета — это самый интересный и вкусный похудеть. Лучше всего она подходит для летнего времени, потому что подразумевает потребление большого количества фруктов и овощей. Именно в это время года они свежие, можно выращивать их на грядках и не бояться, что еда будет содержать вредные вещества. Именно фрукты и овощи — главные источники полезных микроэлементов и витаминов, а значит в результате человеческий организм насыщается энергией, а человек избавляется от ненужных килограммов •Диета для ленивых, как по мне это очень хороший сбросить килограммы, при этом не испортив себе желудок
Главный принцип «ленивого» рациона: перед едой нужно выпивать 2 стакана чистой теплой воды. Обязательно только теплой! Суть простая: теплая вода будет гасить чувство голода, в то же время не давая переедать.
В рамках этого быстро снизить вес нужно есть трижды в сутки, ограничений по продуктам практически нет. Хотя от сладостей, жирных и жареных блюд, а также алкоголя и газированных напитков лучше все же отказаться.
On the right bank of the Amur River is one of the large cities of the Far East, the capital of the Khabarovsk Territory - the city of Khabarovsk. It got its name in honor of the Russian pioneer. Erofei Khabarov. A monument to him stands near the railway station. He was the first to predict that these lands would be richer than the land during the Lena River.
Khabarovsk is also closely associated with the name of the Governor-General of Siberia and the Far East Nikolai Muravyov-Amursky. And also with the explorer of the Far East, Admiral Gennady Nevelskoy. It was he who proved that ships can sail along the Amur.
Thanks to Muravyov-Amursky, the territorial dispute with China over the Ussuri River was resolved. The left bank went to Russia, and the right to China. To gain a foothold on their shore, the military began to build a settlement. In addition to the military, peasants lived in it - immigrants from the Western regions of the Russian Empire. And the settlement was called Khabarovka.
Since 1880, it has been considered a city. They built a railway line to Vladivostok and a bridge over the Amur. Now residents of the city could travel both west and east.
Famous people stayed in Khabarovsk. Writer Anton Chekhov when he went to Sakhalin. The last emperor of Russia, Nicholas II, when he made his round the world tour.
Although Khabarovsk is far from Moscow, the distance by rail is more than 8500 km. But it doesn't evoke the feeling of a provincial, abandoned city. The population is over 600 thousand people. Khabarovsk is one of the most comfortable city in Russia. There are many parks, squares, trees are planted along the streets. There is where to hide from the summer heat. The squares are bathed in flowers in the summer. The townspeople take care of flower beds and lawns.
Khabarovsk lies in a zone of temperate monsoon climate. Therefore, summer is warm and rainy here. And winters are dry, frosty and snowy. Despite this, the sun shines for the townspeople more than 300 days a year. This is more in terms of the number of days than in Moscow and Sochi.
And what a beautiful arboretum here! More precisely, a botanical garden. Here you can find plants from all over the world. They have taken root here, despite the harsh winters.
In the city park "Dynamo" there are three ponds where you can ride water bikes. And in the evening, appreciate the magnificent show of musical fountains. A zoo has been built in the city. All its inhabitants live in large enclosures, almost like in nature.
And our cathedral is in third place in height after the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and St. Isaac's Cathedral. I love my city and do not want to leave it.
Source: Essay on the theme City of Khabarovsk