My hobby is reading books. At the moment my favourite book, or rather, books are "Warriors". It is a series of novels written by four authors — Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, Tui Sutherland and Victoria Holmes, who collectively use the pseudonym Erin Hunter.
The series is very big. I have already read the original six books known as "Warriors: The Prophecies Begin".
The series is about feral cats (о бездомных котах). There are several warrior cat clans which are depicted in great detail. We learn a lot about the clans' culture and history. There is a lot of fighting and some epic battles, which makes the books exciting. Generally, the themes of the books are quite deep and serious, for example, there are such themes as being an outsider, loyalty, relationships and death.
I like the plot of the books and I enjoy reading them because I love cats. I also like that the characters of the series can be a mix of good and evil.
1. The story will be read by me tomorrow. 2. The music is being listened to by us now. 3. TV was watched by you at 7 o'clock yesterday. 4. The book must be read by me. 5. The project should have been presented by me yesterday. 1 America ... by Columbus in 1498. b - was discovered 2 The houses ... of stone and wood. a-were built b - are built, c - are being built (все три варианта грамматически верны). 3 The artical ... already ... a - had ... been typed c - has ...been typed (оба варианта грамматически верны). 4 These letters ... tomorrow c-will be mailed 5 The fish... very well. a- was cooked, b-had been cooked, c-will be cooked (все три варианта грамматически верны).
My Hobby
My hobby is reading books. At the moment my favourite book, or rather, books are "Warriors". It is a series of novels written by four authors — Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, Tui Sutherland and Victoria Holmes, who collectively use the pseudonym Erin Hunter.
The series is very big. I have already read the original six books known as "Warriors: The Prophecies Begin".
The series is about feral cats (о бездомных котах). There are several warrior cat clans which are depicted in great detail. We learn a lot about the clans' culture and history. There is a lot of fighting and some epic battles, which makes the books exciting. Generally, the themes of the books are quite deep and serious, for example, there are such themes as being an outsider, loyalty, relationships and death.
I like the plot of the books and I enjoy reading them because I love cats. I also like that the characters of the series can be a mix of good and evil.