Nowadays it is considered to be the oldest scientific zoo in the world: in the distant 1828 its collection was available exclusively for the work of scientists. Times have changed, now anyone can join the London Zoo. Once in this place, be sure to check the "House of Gorillas" (for them a separate building was built on the territory, and now these monkeys literally conquer all the guests) and visit the serpentarium (also, by the way, the oldest in the world), in which one of the episodes of the film " Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. " With snakes do not need to talk - just in case!
We don’t have two sessions a year, in January and in June.
Мы не сдаём экзамены два раза в год, в январе и в июне.
Do we have two sessions a year, in January and in June?
Мы сдаём экзамены два раза в год, в январе и в июне?
They didn’t have interesting lectures and seminars last term.
У них не было интересных лекции и семинаров в семестре.
Did they have interesting lectures and seminars last term?
У них были интересные лекции и семинары в семестре?
Very soon you won’t have a large library at your disposal.
Совсем скоро у тебя не будет большой библиотеки в твоём распоряжении.
Will you have a large library at your disposal very soon?
Будет ли в скором будущем большая библиотека в твоём распоряжении?
Morning school began at 9 o’clock and lasted for 3 hours.
Утренняя школа открывалась в 9 и работала в течение трёх часов.
In infant school the children drew, painted, modeled and sang.
В детском саду дети рисовали, раскрашивали, лепили и пели песенки.
Boys and girls passed examinations in 5 subjects.
Мальчики и девочки сдали экзамены по пяти предметам.
There are some higher educational establishments in our town.
В нашем городе есть несколько высших учебных заведений.
There will be modern language equipment in the laboratory.
В лаборатории будет современное языковое оборудование.
There were students and a teacher in the classroom.
В классе были ученики и учитель.