3 Listen to an interview with
Laura. Tick the things she has to do.
Then write sentences with have to and
don't have to.
get up early on school days
Laura doesn't have to get up early on school
1 walk to school
2 wear a uniform
3 eat at the canteen
4 do her homework before she goes out
5 help make dinner every evening
6 stay at home on school days
My friend lives in Moscow for a year.And I arrived recently. I asked him:
Steve, can you show me interesting places in Moscow? I think you already know everything here.
- I only know where my office and my home. You see, I work all the time.
- I understand... But I think in the heart you were!
_ Yes,there was. Yesterday we (I and our new client from Tokyo) were in the Kremlin and on red square. The chief asked us to show.
- You were yesterday on red square for the first time?!
- Yes. And in the Kremlin too. You know, I wasn't expecting, Moscow is a beautiful city!
- And your wife was in Moscow?
She was in a Department store "Moscow" in Gum, Central Department store, Auchan, IKEA, Stockmann, in a Benetton, boutique "Pierre Cardin". Yes, she had seen much in Moscow. This I realized when I saw my Bank account.