He retired from his job in this office two years ago.
1) Did he retire from his job in this office two years ago?
2)When did he retire from his job in this office?
3) Who retired from his job in this office two years ago7
4) He retired from his job in this office two years ago,didn*t he?
5) Did he retire from his job in this office two or five years ago?
Satellite television will provide a very wide selection of channels.
1) Will satellite television provide a very wide selection of channels?
2) What will satellite television l provide?
3) What will provide a very wide selection of channels?
4) Satellite television will provide a very wide selection of channels, won*t it?
5) Will satellite television provide a very wide or narrow selection of channels?
Oliver Twist. This book is about a boy whose mother died when he was born and he is brought up in a workhouse. His first year are cold and lonely and then he runs away to London. But he falls into the hands of Fagin and the terrifying Bill Sykes. They try to turn Oliver into a criminal. Will he escape to find a better life?
Оливер Твист. Эта книга о мальчике у которго умерла мать когда он родился и он попал в работный дом. Его первые года были холодными и одиннокими и потом он сбежал в Лондон. Но он попадает в руки Фэгина и ужасного Билла Сайкса. Они пытаются направить Оливера в криминалю. Убежит ли он в поисках лучшей жизни?
you have to get good grades
people sometimes have to lie and cheat to succeed
do they have to cheat to be succeed