Exercise 1 (7 points).
Complete the sentences with the nouns in brackets. Make them plural.
Which three are the largest in the world? (city)
How many are there in your town? (church)
What do most think about all day? (man)
How many did King Henry VIII have? (wife)
Should be allowed to use animals? (circus)
How many does a spider have? (foot)
At what age do usually start to walk? (baby)
Exercise 2 (7 points).
Form the names of nationalities (singular and plural).
Example: Russia – a Russian / the Russians
the UK -
Italy -
Spain -
the USA -
Japan -
Israel -
Hungary -
Exercise 3 (5 points).
Fill in the gaps with the right demonstrative pronouns (that, those, this or these).
Look at kids playing in the garden over there; they're so cute.
Take one of files from that table.
You know the books I am carrying are just fantastic. I think books will keep me company during this summer holiday.
(About a picture hanging on the wall) are my children.
(About a picture you've just taken from your wallet) is my wife.
ответ: Рецепт приготовления макарон
100 g pasta
1 teaspoon salt
1 liter of water
piece of butter
pot with lid
colander or sieve
1. Prepare pasta, water, vegetable oil, salt and butter.
1. Подготовь макароны, воду, растительное масло, соль и сливочное масло.
2. Pour water into the pan, cover and put it on the fire. Wait for the water to boil.
2. Налей в кастрюлю воду, накрой крышкой и поставь ее на огонь. Дождись когда закипит вода.
3. When the water is boiling, add salt to taste (10 – 12 g per litre of water = one teaspoon) and 1 tablespoon of olive oil (if you do not have olive at hand, any other vegetable oil will do) – so the pasta does not stick together.
3. Когда вода закипела, добавь соль по вкусу (10 – 12 г на литр воды = одна чайная ложка) и 1 столовую ложку оливкового масла (если нет под рукой оливковое, подойдет и любое другое растительное масло) – так макароны не слипнуться.
4. Put in a pot of boiling water with the pasta. Don't cover the pot! Mix with a wooden spoon to pasta does not stick to the bottom. After adding the pasta, the water will stop boiling. Cover the pan again with a lid so that the water boils again, then remove the lid and make the fire smaller, otherwise foam may appear.
4. Высыпь в кастрюлю с кипящей водой макароны. Кастрюлю крышкой не накрывай! Перемешай деревянной ложкой, чтобы макароны не пристали ко дну. После добавления макарон вода перестанет кипеть. Накрой снова кастрюлю крышкой, чтобы вода снова закипела, затем крышку сними и сделай огонь меньше, иначе возможно появление пены.
5. Cook pasta for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
5. Вари макароны примерно 10 минут, периодически помешивая.
6. For 2-3 minutes until cooked, try the pasta on the tooth – they should be soft, without flour flavour. When the pasta is ready, put it in a colander and rinse with hot boiled water.
6. За 2-3 минуты до готовности попробуй макароны на зубок – они должны быть мягкими, без мучного привкуса. Когда макароны готовы, откинь их на дуршлаг и промой горячей кипяченой водой.
7. Stir the pasta on a platter or plates with butter, decorate with sauce, herbs, grated cheese at will.
7. Размешай макароны на блюде или тарелках со сливочным маслом, укрась соусом, зеленью, тертым сыром по своему желанию.