Hello , Joe !
- Hey, Alex! Glad to meet you !
- And I'm so happy ! Well, tell me , how spent the summer vacation ?
- Oh, I had them very interesting. My parents and I went for a vacation to the sea.
- Really? And where exactly are you traveling ?
- In Ukraine , the Crimea. At first we lived in a boarding house in Alushta . Bathed in a sea of pleasure, basking in the sun. I even went fishing with my dad to the pier .
- Something caught?
- Marine ruff ! But it is impossible, so we let him go.
- And then you have somewhere to go?
- Yes, we went on trips to Yalta , Sevastopol , Sudak . I especially liked the ancient fortress in Sudak. Yes, I'm all about myself but about yourself! You spent a summer as a friend ?
- The parents had no money to travel , so I took him home. But do not get bored .
- What are you doing for three months ?
- Ride a bike, the guys played in different games. Football, basketball, volleyball - we tried . Every day he went to do gymnastics horizontal bars . You see , what muscles are pumped up ?
- Oh, I would not mind having such ...
- I also read books , fiction. After all, I have a lot of time there. Now I am a specialist of the genre.
- Well, then tell me that I have read . And I'm - the Crimea . Sasha , do you agree ?
- I agree!
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