1. I cannot believe you. 2. We couldn't help but laugh. 3. It is rude, but there is nothing I can do. 4. She couldn't help but cry. 5. I can not help thinking about what awaits us. 6. What are you crying for? - I just can't do anything with myself. 7. It is simply impossible not to tell him about it. 8. It is only necessary to wait for his arrival. 9. We can only hope that he will recover. 10. Do not be offended, I can do nothing. 11. I couldn't help but go there. 12. There was nothing left for me to tell him the whole truth. 13. You couldn't help but see them there. 14. We couldn't believe him. 15. He couldn't hear me. 16. I just can't help but do it: I promised. 17. We couldn't help but laugh. 18. She couldn't help but cry. 19. He could not dislike this picture, he loves landscapes. 20. They could not but receive a telegram until now. 21. They could not help but be warned. 22. I could not but invite him.
ˈkʌntri maʊs: hɛˈləʊ, taʊn maʊs. ˈwɛlkəm tuː maɪ haʊs! ɪts ˈvɛri smɔːl, bʌt ɪts ˈvɛri naɪs. ə ˈlʌvli haʊs fɔː tuː smɔːl maɪs!
taʊn maʊs: əʊ nəʊ! ɪts ˈvɛri beə! weəz ðə ˈteɪbl? weəz ðə ʧeə? nəʊ ˈbɛdru(ː)m, nəʊ ˈbɑːθru(ː)m, nəʊ ˈkɪʧɪn - əʊ dɪə! aɪ wɒnt tuː gəʊ həʊm, aɪ dəʊnt laɪk ɪt hɪə!
ˈkʌntri maʊs: kʌm əˈlɒŋ, taʊn maʊs. taɪm tuː iːt!
taʊn maʊs: bʌt ˈkʌntri maʊs, weəz ðə miːt?
ˈkʌntri maʊs: əʊ dɪə! nəʊ miːt fɔː miː. aɪm ə ˈkʌntri maʊs, juː siː. aɪ iːt brɛd ænd ʧiːz, ænd ˈhʌni frɒm biːz.
taʊn maʊs: jʌk, jʌk! nəʊ, θæŋk juː! ðɪs pleɪs ˈɪznt ˈprɪti - kʌm wɪð miː, lɛts gəʊ tuː ðə ˈsɪti!
taʊn maʊs: lʊk æt maɪ ˈlɪvɪŋ ruːm! lʊk æt maɪ ʧeə! ænd lʊk æt ðə ˈteɪbl ˈəʊvə ðeə!
ˈkʌntri maʊs: əʊ maɪ! lɒts ɒv fuːd - ɪt ɔːl lʊks səʊ gʊd!
taʊn maʊs: ˈbɜːgəz ænd ʧɪps ænd mɪlk ænd aɪs kriːm.
ˈkʌntri maʊs: əʊ, ðɪs kɑːnt biː rɪəl, ɪt mʌst biː ə driːm!
taʊn maʊs: kʌm ɒn, ˈkʌntri maʊs, ɪts greɪt ɪn maɪ haʊs! ðeəz ˈplɛnti tuː iːt. hɪə, pliːz teɪk ə siːt!
ˈkʌntri maʊs: hɛlp miː! əʊ? hɛlp miː! ðə dɒg wɒnts ɪts tiː! ɪt dʌznt wɒnt ˈbɜːgəz, ɪt wɒnts tuː iːt miː!
ˈkʌntri maʊs: aɪ dəʊnt laɪk ɪt hɪə! aɪ wɒnt maɪ naɪs haʊs. ðɪs ɪz nəʊ pleɪs fɔːr ə ˈkʌntri maʊs!
ˈkʌntri maʊs: maɪ haʊs ɪz smɔːl, ænd ə ˈlɪtl bɪt ˈʃæbi. bʌt aɪ laɪk ɪt hɪə, aɪm ˈvɛri ˈhæpi! aɪ dəʊnt laɪk ðə taʊn, aɪ dəʊnt laɪk ðə dɒgz. aɪm ˈsteɪɪŋ æt həʊm wɪð ði ænts ænd ðə frɒgz!
там где there are the biscuits, там не нужно теперь ты мне