It is ... 1. Il is the most famous place in London. It is the home of the Queen. There are
& GW. Match and complete the facts with the pictures.
600 rooms in it. It is
2. It is the biggest toy shop. There are six floors with millions of toys there.
3. This is the biggest wheel in Britain. They opened it in London, on February
1, 2000. The highest point of the wheel is 135 m. It is
4. You can see many Londoners here. They like walking and jogging in the park
There are no signs like: "Don't walk on the grass". It is
3. There is Nelson's Column in the middle of the square. It is 51 m high. This
6. It is the deepest and the most beautiful river in Great Britain. It is
7. It is the biggest clock tower in Great Britain. It is
The most popular place for people to meet. It is
2 We are very proud of our son. He has broken the school high jump record again.
3 I’m totally exhausted! I have been cleaning the house all day but I still haven't finished the bathroom.
4 I’m afraid you won’t be able to leave for home earlier today, Ms Brown. It’s 5 o’clock and you have written only half of the proposal so far.
5 Diane Porter is a well-known applied linguist. Recently she has done research on the effects of students’ age on second language learning.
1 No one can accuse them/themselves of something that they haven’t done.
2 If we try not to get angry with ourselves/each other so quickly, we will probably solve our problems more easily.
3 I think George should look at him/himself critically and go on a diet to lose some weight.
4 My daughters are going to be vain. They are only six years old and already spend most of their time looking at themselves/each other in the mirror.
At the airport:
A Good evening. Could I see your passport , please?
B Here you are.
A Is this all your luggage?
B Yes, just this suitcase and this bag.
A That’s OK. Here is your credit (landing) card. Go to gates number two.
B Thank you.
0 passport control
1 ticket collector
2 overhead locker
3 information desk
4 traffic jams
5 emergency exit
6 life jacket
0 The underground is a railway system in which electric trains travel mainly below the ground.
1 A ferry is a boat or ship for transporting passengers and vehicles across an area of water.
2 We’ll be sitting in the second car/ carriage/ wagon from the front of the train.
3 A pedestrian is a person who is walking in a street.
4 If you don’t hurry up, we are going to miss our train.
5 My parents are Green Peace activists and they are involved in the campaign against air and water pollution
6 Is this Marszalkowska Street or should I get off at the next stop?