24. A. Look at the pictures and say what Nick's other wishes are. Example to be summer now
If it were summer now!
1. to be July
2. to be warm
3. to be at the seaside
4. to be lying in the sun
5. to be swimming in the sea
6. to be playing
7. to be eating
ice cream
8. to be reading
a detective story
B. imagine that Nick is thinking about some other seasons (winter,
spring, autumn). What can his wishes be?
Example: If it were winter now! If it were snowing!
c. Say what your wishes are. Begin with If ...
2. Three main approaches to economics are microeconomics, macroeconomics, and development economics.
3. Specialized areas of economics are money economics, international economics, labour economics, industrial economics, agricultural economics, growth economics, mathematical economics, etc.
4. Economists use economic models to understand economic problems and make correct predictions
5. It is not possible to include all the details in a model because real life is complex and a model is an abstraction from real life.
6. A model usually include essential elements and relationships of a particular economic situation
7. An economists choose the model that predicts the results of a particular phenomenon more accurately
8. It is necessary to collect and study actual data in order to know how accurate a model is