Another popular game is skipping. Two children turn a long rope and another child jumps over it. Everyone says a poem when the child is skipping. Children can play these games in the winter to get warm.
Try to summarize your life in two or three sentences. Take your time. Think about your past. "But mostly think about who you are today and how you got that way," says Roberta . "Maybe you want to focus on a certain relationship, maybe a certain theme...or maybe a feeling that has persisted for years."Consider these examples before putting pen to paper:Loving mom who worked all the time, no dad. Never really got over lonely childhood.Love my life, love my dog, love my kids. No room for a guy.Finally sober. Exhausting journey. Many regrets.Beautiful, close family. And then the accident.Fears and phobias finally overcome, thanks to husband. Still not sure if I deserve him.First off, if you want to write a memoir, this three-sentence description will form the structure of your book. In effect, it's a supershort story of your life—a beginning, a middle and the now, if you will. Even if you have zero impulse to write another word, however, the exercise can show you how you view yourself, your past and your present, all of which can inform your future. Unless, of course, you change the narrative—a privilege granted to any writer. все понятно
1) like 2) get up 3) wash 4) teeth 5) play 6) write 7) please
In the evening Martin listens to fairy tales and writes letters with his friends.
2 мая. Дорогой Тайни, Мне нравятся мои весенние каникулы. Я живу в деревне с бабушкой и дедушкой. Посмотри на фото! Я похож на своего деда? Утром я не хожу в школу. Поэтому я просыпаюсь в 9 утра, умываю лицо и мою уши. Я не забываю о своих зубах. Тут у меня много друзей. После завтрака мы играем в теннис и катаемся на самокатах. Вечером мы с друзьями слушаем сказки и пишем письма. Я ложусь спать в 10 часов вечера. Тайни, я скучаю по Билли и моим школьным друзьям приходите ко мне. Твой Мартин.