Flooding is the temporary flooding of a large part of the land with water as a result of the actions of the forces of nature.
Prolonged rains are the first cause of flooding. They are mainly found in regions with a humid climate, in summer or autumn. Prolonged rains cause rivers and lakes to overflow their banks, which in turn flood everything in their path.
The most effective way to control river flooding is to regulate river flow by creating reservoirs. They even out the flow of the river, making it larger in the summer and smaller in the spring than in its absence. For flood control on the seashore, protective dams are used. Another way to deal with flooding is to deepen the rifts and other shoals. To protect against flooding during the melting of ice on rivers, dynamite (or other explosive substance) is most often used, which is detonated in certain places of the river, which, destroying the hummocks, allows the water to flow freely and direct it in the right direction. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Present simple Употреблять когда : 1. Постоянное действия.(Mark lives on New Zealand) то есть Марк постоянно живёт там 2. Привычки и повседневные действия с ALWAYS(всегда) She always cleans the windows at home. Она всегда моет окна в доме,) 3. Расписания (The train leaves at 6:00 pm) автобус приедет в 6 часов Есть указатели ,чтобы понять легче,что это Present Simple: usually,often,always,every day
Past Simple Употреблять когда: 1. Когда действие завершилось( I worked yesterday. Я вчера работала) 2. Несколько последовательно завершённых действий в Есть указатели,чтобы легче понять,что это Past Simple: ago, last,yesterday
Prolonged rains are the first cause of flooding. They are mainly found in regions with a humid climate, in summer or autumn. Prolonged rains cause rivers and lakes to overflow their banks, which in turn flood everything in their path.
The most effective way to control river flooding is to regulate river flow by creating reservoirs. They even out the flow of the river, making it larger in the summer and smaller in the spring than in its absence. For flood control on the seashore, protective dams are used. Another way to deal with flooding is to deepen the rifts and other shoals. To protect against flooding during the melting of ice on rivers, dynamite (or other explosive substance) is most often used, which is detonated in certain places of the river, which, destroying the hummocks, allows the water to flow freely and direct it in the right direction.