1 Что вы пишите (1 Present Continuous)?
Я пишу (2 Present Continuous) письмо своей сестре.
Мы часто пишем (3 Present Simple) письма друг другу.
Сейчас она работает (4 Present Continuous) над своей книгой!
Она работает (5 Present Perfect Continuous) над ней уже несколько месяцев.
2. В последнее время я не получал (1 Present Perfect) писем от своих родителей.
- Когда вы получили (2 Past Simple) последнее письмо?
- Я получил (3 Past Simple) его месяц назад.
С тех пор я уже послал (4 Present Perfect) им несколько писем.
3. Что ты делал (1 Past Continuous) вчера в 10 часов утра?
- Я был (2 Past Simple) в больнице.
Я осматривал (3 Past Continuous) больных.
Я осматривал (4 Past Perfect Continuous) их уже час, когда приехал (5 Past Simple) профессор Сергеев.
4. Я буду очень занят (1 Future Simple) в начале июня.
Я буду сдавать (2 Future Continuous) экзамены.
Думаю, что к середине месяца я их сдам (3 Future Perfect).
11 simple and realistic ways to improve your diet
by nicole reino
most of us have great intentions when it comes to eating healthier. on monday, we tell ourselves, "this is the week," as if the declaration combined with our tough-as-nails determination will carry us through.
but by tuesday, a deep-dish pizza arrives at the door. where was your willpower when you picked up the phone to order that thick-crusted pie with extra mozzarella? answer: skipping off into the sunset with its arch-nemesis, temptation.
it's ok. shake it off. today's a new day, and change is on the horizon. you simply need to part ways with the willpower method, and latch on to some new strategies. before you know it, you'll be well on your way to improving your diet.
your course of action: incorporate these simple and realistic tips into your nutrition plan.
11 simple and realistic ways to improve your diet
by nicole reino
most of us have great intentions when it comes to eating healthier. on monday, we tell ourselves, "this is the week," as if the declaration combined with our tough-as-nails determination will carry us through.
but by tuesday, a deep-dish pizza arrives at the door. where was your willpower when you picked up the phone to order that thick-crusted pie with extra mozzarella? answer: skipping off into the sunset with its arch-nemesis, temptation.
it's ok. shake it off. today's a new day, and change is on the horizon. you simply need to part ways with the willpower method, and latch on to some new strategies. before you know it, you'll be well on your way to improving your diet.
your course of action: incorporate these simple and realistic tips into your nutrition plan.