Duration 20 minutes Task 1. Read the letter to Miss Clarke. A Match numbers (1-4) to letters (a-d). B. Answer the question. Who is Jeremy King? Быстро можна
My personal cheques weren't used for encashment. My card wasn't used for encashment during my previous tour either. The customet didn't receive the credit statement at the end of last month. The statement wasn't received much later. Where were your traveller's cheques lost? - I didn't lose them, they were stolen from me in the jammed airport when I arrived in Moscow. Didn't the bank replace your stolen cheques last time? - No, they didn't replace. They were refunded to me by the bank. Did the customer pay off his debt? - Yes, the debt was paid off in arrears during the last three months. The bill exceeded the amount in the cheque. How did the difference make up? - The customer advised to write out another cheque. Where and how was your guest pickpocketed? - He wasn't pickpocketed. He left his money in the taxi on his way to the hotel. The tour package was paid for by credit card. The customer didn't pay a deposit, he paid the total amount at once. The customers didn't draw cash from this dispenser yesterday, because it was out of order. Cash wasn't drawn from it the day before yesterday either. Where did you keep your sales voucher when you were pickpoketed? - It was kept in my inner pocket. The guide showed them the way to the nearest bank. The Eurocheque sticker was shown on its entrance door. Did you change your dollars for the local currency at the airport yesterday? They didn't offer a good exchange rate. - No, my personal cheques were accepted. Did the cashier take the imprint of your card when you paid the hotel bill? Yes, the imprint was taken and I was given a receipt.
Робин - Да, я могу. Я тоже могу летать, но я могу делать многие вещи. Я не очень талантливый. Msiha - а кто может? Робин - Мыы отец может сделать много вещей. Он расно мастера. Но он мне здесь. Я должен ехать в Вестминстерском аббатстве в Лондоне. Есть модели magicc камень там. Свое название это камень судьбы. Я должен найти его и привести его обратно в Шотландию. Этот стон Шотландии может быть strjng и бесплатно. Вот мой миссон здесь. Миша - к сожалению, анальная Loondon я очень далеко. Мы в России, а Лондон-столица Англии. Робин - но у тебя очень хороший английский. Миша Моя бабушка МКС преподавателя английского языка и я sheak Английский ей и дедушке. Но как вы можете сказать? Вы из Эдинбурга от 1599 года. Робин: я могу говорить по-английски. Моим любимым предметом в школе является русский будущего. Миша: Останься со мной, Робин! Мы можем поехать в Лондон. Робин: ц благодарю. Ц хороший друг, Миша. Миша: Ой! Где мой настоящий девичник подруги Робин Мак Мастер? Робин: Прости Робин Мак мастера в Эдинбурге в yearr 1599. Только камень может вернуть меня слишком Edinbuegh. Onlyy камень cfn принести свою ручку друга обратно на тимме.