Every year in this or that region there are strong floods of rivers, breakthroughs of dams and dams, earthquakes, storms and hurricanes, forest and peat fires.
Each natural disaster, accident and catastrophe has its own characteristics, the nature of the damage, the volume and scale of destruction, the magnitude of disasters and human losses. Each in its own way leaves an imprint on the environment.
Knowledge of the causes and nature of natural disasters allows, with early adoption of protection measures, with reasonable behavior of the population, to significantly reduce all types of losses.
One of the main problems that comes to the fore today is the correct forecasting of the occurrence and development of natural disasters, early warning of both the authorities and the population about the impending danger. It is very important and extremely necessary to work on the comprehensive localization of natural disasters in order to narrow the zone of destruction, to provide timely assistance to the victims.
Every year in this or that region there are strong floods of rivers, breakthroughs of dams and dams, earthquakes, storms and hurricanes, forest and peat fires.
Each natural disaster, accident and catastrophe has its own characteristics, the nature of the damage, the volume and scale of destruction, the magnitude of disasters and human losses. Each in its own way leaves an imprint on the environment.
Knowledge of the causes and nature of natural disasters allows, with early adoption of protection measures, with reasonable behavior of the population, to significantly reduce all types of losses.
One of the main problems that comes to the fore today is the correct forecasting of the occurrence and development of natural disasters, early warning of both the authorities and the population about the impending danger. It is very important and extremely necessary to work on the comprehensive localization of natural disasters in order to narrow the zone of destruction, to provide timely assistance to the victims.
Tennis is one of my favourite sports. I’ve been playing it from a young age. In fact, I like both types of this game: table tennis and long tennis.Теннис — один из моих любимых видов спорта. Я играю в него с самого детства. На самом деле, я люблю обе разновидности этой игры: настольный теннис и большой теннис.I’m quite good at table tennis, but I spend most of my free time at the nearest court training for long tennis. This game is rather old. It is believed to have originated in the fifth century B. C. There are even drawings on the walls of ancient caves which show different people hitting a ball back and forth. However, the modern game of lawn tennis originated in the 19th century in Great Britain and was considered to be the upper-class game.Я очень хорошо играю в настольный теннис, но я провожу большую часть своего свободного времени на ближайшем корте, тренируясь по большому теннису. Эта игра довольно старинная. Предположительно, она возникла в пятом веке до нашей эры. На стенах пещер даже сохранились рисунки, которые демонстрируют разных людей, бьющих по мячу. Тем не менее, современная игра в большой теннис возникла в 19 веке в Великобритании и считалась игрой высшего общества.Today, it’s the fifth most popular sport in the world, after football, basketball, cricket and rugby. The game is played with a racket and a small, yellow ball and by two players or two pairs of players on the court divided by the net.Сегодня это пятый самый популярный вид спорта в мире, после игры в футбол, баскетбол, крикет и регби. В эту игру играют с ракеткой и небольшим желтым мячом двое игроков или две пары игроков на площадке, разделенной сеткойThe sport is even included in the Olympic Games. It’s easy for me to understand why tennis became so popular and how it gained universal appeal. First of all, it provides health benefits. Those, who play tennis, have strong arms and legs. They are always in good shape. Secondly, tennis players are rather optimistic, energetic and self-confident. Tennis outperforms many other sports in developing positive personality characteristics. Thirdly, people who play tennis have better immune system and body coordination. And, finally, tennis players quickly develop strategic mind, social skills and high-level discipline.Этот спорт даже включен в программу Олимпийских игр. Мне несложно понять, отчего теннис стал настолько популярным, и как он получил мировое признание. Во-первых, он полезен для здоровья. Те, кто играют в теннис, имеют сильные руки и ноги. Они всегда находятся в хорошей форме. Во-вторых, теннисисты настроены весьма оптимистично, энергично и уверены в себе. Теннис превосходит многие другие виды спорта в развитии позитивных личностных характеристик. В-третьих, люди, которые играют в теннис, имеют более развитую иммунную систему и координацию. И, наконец, теннисисты быстро развивают стратегическое мышление, коммуникативные навыки и высокую дисциплинированность