Task2 . Use of English Complete the sentences with the correct form of be . ( am , is , are ) Write affirmative and negative sentences . 1. I am from Barcelona . 2. My brother seventeen , he is fifteen . 3. You in my class . You are in 5 C. 4. Elijah Wood my favorite actor . 5. The concert on Saturday , it is on Friday . 6. They my friends . Their names are Rose and Lucy .
New year is in great holiday in our country. Everybody likes it very much. It is especially loved by little children. People do not go to work on that day and children do not go to school this holiday is considered to be a family holiday. it is usually celebrated at home among the members of the family. People decorate their houses and usually have a fir-tree which stands in the corner of the room. The New Year of our life has begun. Everyone hopes it will really happy. Новый год большой праздник в нашей стране. Всем он очень нравится. Он особенно любим маленькими детьми. Люди не ходит на работу в этот день и дети не ходят в школу.Этот праздник считается семейным праздником он как правило от отмечается у себя дома среди членов семьи. Люди украшают свои дома, и как правило ставите которая стоит в углу комнаты. Новый Год в нашей жизни начался. Каждый надеется что он будет действительно счастлив
1. She grumbles about that he too rarely rings to her by phone. 2. Leave off to cry. 3. My little brother did not give to me to do lessons. 4. Do not you object, if I will come a bit later? 5. Keep writing. 6. A dad objects against that I went to the theatre with her. 7. I laugh, when I look at you. 8. I insist on that, to help her. 9. He denied that broke up a vase. 10. She is afraid to lose the purse. 11. I disapprove that you trifle so many time away. 12. She grumbled about that all the time busy.