Task 1.Read the text
Almaty is my love
All cities in Kazakhstan are very beautiful, but for me, Almaty is the best one, the city
where you want to return all the time. It's the place where you feel everyday life,
vanity, study, competition, family, love, work, and amazing nature. People has come
and still coming to Almaty from different parts of Kazakhstan. Many of us associate
Almaty with two main symbols: magnificent mountains and the hotel “Kazakhstan"
Citizens associate Almaty with traffic jams, changing weather, strange road
interchanges and a great number of malls, but these don't hinder you in getting
something special in such a lovely city — Almaty! The city embraces everything you
need in everyday life: malls, shops, kindergartens, schools and universities, and
because of metro and recently added bus line, it's easier to go to different places.
Almaty is full of many beautiful buildings, sport centers. You can find many places
for hanging out. People like to go hiking on summer, enjoy picnics and amazing
landscape, and relax from the stresses of everyday life, also, skiing, skating are very
popular activities on winter. Most of people prefer active lifestyle in Almaty, that's
why there you can see many bike rides, and sport marathons are being organized very
often. Also, you can join many events, concerts, trainings, and many others.
1. Popular winter activities in Almaty are.
2. Now it is easier to go to different places, because of.
3. two main symbols of Almaty are.
4. The proofs that Almaty citizens are holding active lifestyle are.
5. We assossiate the city with.
фигурное катание - зимний вид спорта, в котором фигуристы скользят на льду, катание с выступлением или со спортивными элементами с музыкой.Официальные соревнования фигурного катания, обычно, играестя в четыре набора медалей(извините перевод может быть не корректным в виду возможной профессиональной лексики) в женском фигурном катании, мужском одиночном разряде, в парах и танцах на льду. Фигурное катание включено в программу Зимних Олимпийских игр, и, конечно, будет на Олимпиаде в Сочи в 2014 году. Дом для этого прекрасного вида спорта Явлиетская Голландия(скорее всего название). Это находится в Нидерландах, в 13-14 веках. появились первые коньки из железа, которое дало мощный толчок к развитию всех видов спорта, связанных с коньками
а вообще лучше написать Figure skating is a winter sport