Exercise 4. Put the following words into the sentences in the necessary form. 1) convict, 2)predominantly, 3) outnumber, 4)explanation, 5) independence, 6)justice, 7) slums, 8) delinquent, 9) juvenile, 10) unemployment
1. They must not be allowed to escape … after the terrible crime they had committed.
2. With 20 girls and 10 boys in the class, girls … boys by 2 to 1.
3. His … behavior could lead to more serious problems.
4. She was … of shoplifting.
5. They were living in overcrowded … in conditions of extreme poverty.
6. She left the room without … .
7. The city’s population is … Irish (83% of all people).
8. How long have you been receiving … benefit after being dismissed?
9. Having a job gives you financial … .
10. He was sent to … detention center despite his young age.
Exercise 5. Use these phrases in the appropriate form in the following sentences.
1) victim 5. offender
2) minor crime 6. major crime
3) innocent 7. guilty
4) soft measures 8. harsh treatment
1. Some people believe that sending a young criminal to warm countries to relax will encourage the … to return as a law-abiding citizen.
2. Street vandalism is an example of a … that may lead to more serious breaking of the law.
3. The Independent reports that nearly 1 person in 3 was a … of a crime in 1999.
4. The terrorist gang that killed thousands of … people on September, 11, 2001 in New York deserves very severe punishment.
5. In the past a … would inevitably lead to a barbaric punishment, nowadays the laws seem to have become less harsh.
6. The Juvenile Crime Committee decided to work out a series of further … that would ensure that they didn’t re-offend in the future.
7. Many people consider capital punishment to be exceptionally … , which is unacceptable in a civilized society.
8. After being found … , the murder was sentenced to life imprisonment.
Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks with the words derived from the given in the same line.
1. The judge put the … away for ten years.
2. She has little … of tax law.
3. Men in prison vastly … women.
4. You oppose every … I make.
5. His … in the case helped to solve it quickly.
6. The job of a … is to prevent criminal behavior.
7. The lawyer’s … is to inform us of any changes.
8. Our … is built on trust.
9. The … escaped from prison.
10. The … was given an early release.
1) - I say I like your new raincoat. - is it a good fit? - Yes, it looks (to look) fabulous.
2) That's a very nice blazer you are wearing (to wear) . -- Do you really like it?
Yes, and it goes (to go) well with your new pullover, too.
3) - I like your twin set so much. - Yes, it's a real find. -- Where did you buy
(to buy) it? - In a boutique downtown. It cost (to cost.) me a pretty penny.
4) - Can I help you? - Yes, I am looking for (to look for) a pair of red gloves. I think I wear (to wear) size six. - Here is size six. These are very nice. - Oh, I will try (to try) them on.
5) - That's a nice sweater. Is it new? - Yes, it is. - Where did you get (to get)
it? - I got (to get) it at Macy's.