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09.07.2022 23:37 •  Английский язык

ответить на вопросы по тексту: so, you are students of south-russia state technical university. our congratulations! you passed your entrance examinations successfully and entered one of the best and biggest universities of our country. the academic year consists of two terms: the autumn term and the spring term. in january and june the students have their examinations. teaching is by lectures, seminars and practical laboratory classes. lectures are aimed at giving the basic framework of knowledge. seminars give the opportunity for group discussion of a topic with a member of academic staff. laboratory classes in all faculties provide the opportunity to gain essential practical skills and are specifically organised so that students learn by their own practical experiments. the students study hard and have no free time on week days. they study many different subjects such as higher mathematics, chemistry, physics, descriptive geometry, strength of materials, informatics, foreign languages, economics, history and many others. highly-qualified lecturers and professors help students in their studies. well- equipped laboratories and workshops are at their disposal. specialisation in senior courses enables undergraduates to follow, their own interests in a subject, for example into pure research as a career or into contemporary applications with the aim of a career in industry. the rapid expansion in information- technology is reflected strongly in the teaching and research programmes of the university. most students use computers as an essential part of their courses. there is a multitude of student activities at the university: sports clubs, arts societies, student societies etc. numerous student concerts, dance performances, exhibitions, drama productions are held each year. undergraduates play various instruments, take part in festivals, dramatic shows and dancing parties. a lot of students of our university take part in social life of the university. there are different sports clubs at our university, such as track-and-field athletics, gymnastics, basketball, volley-ball, football, wrestling, boxing and others. most of the students go in for sport. they can do sports in sporting facilities - various gymnasiums, sports grounds and a swimming pool. srstu is recognised as one of the most successful universities in the south of our country in sporting competitions. there are european and world champions among the students of our university. 1.what university did you enter? 2.when do students have their examinations? 3.what are lectures aimed at? 4.what do seminars give? 5.what do laboratory classes provide? 6.what subjects do the students study? 7.what student activities are there at the university? 8.what can you tell about sport activities at the university? 9.do you go in for sports? 10.what is your hobby?

1) I entered to one of the best and biggest Universities of our country.
2) In January and June the students have their examinations. 
3) Lectures are aimed at giving the basic framework of knowledge. 
4) Seminars give the opportunity for group discussion of a topic with a member of academic staff. 
5) Laboratory classes in all faculties provide the opportunity to gain essential practical
skills and are specifically organised so that students learn by their own practical experiments.
6) They study many different subjects such as higher mathematics, chemistry, physics, descriptive geometry, strength of materials, informatics, foreign languages, economics, history and many others.
7) There is a multitude of student activities at the University: sports clubs, arts societies, student societies etc. 
8) Numerous student concerts, dance performances, exhibitions, drama productions are held each year. Undergraduates play various instruments, take part in festivals, dramatic shows and dancing parties.
9) Of course, i like sport very much. 
10) I like to dance and sometimes i go to the swimming pool.
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ответ:Autumn is the most colorful time of the year from all seasons, when nature changes its usual appearance to golden colors in glimpses of autumn sun. Autumn consists of three months: a gentle September, October filled with rain, and a dank November. Autumn nature pleases us with juicy, bright colors: red, yellow and orange. The days become shorter and colder. The sun is rarely shown and warms up weaker and weaker, grey clouds tighten the sky and it is raining heavily. Birds fly to hot countries. Forest animals are preparing for hibernation. The wind tears off the last leaves from the trees, leaving them naked and lonely. In the mornings one can observe a thick mist covering everything around, which gradually turns into a shallow rain.

But soon, the autumn weather suddenly starts to please us with sunny days. This period is called " Indian summer", and it lasts two weeks. Indian summer is a wonderful time, when fall gives us the last warm days. The plants fade, the web flies in the air and shines in the sun like the silk threads.


Осень — наиболее красочное время года из всех сезонов, когда природа меняет свой обычный облик на золотистые цвета в проблесках осеннего солнца. Осень состоит из трёх месяцев: нежный сентябрь, октябрь, заполненный дождями, и промозглый ноябрь. Осенняя природа радует нас сочными, яркими красками: красным, желтым и оранжевым. Дни становятся короче и холоднее. Уже редко показывается солнце и греет всё слабее и слабее, серые тучи затягивают небо и льют сильные дожди. Птицы улетаю в жаркие страны. Лесные звери готовятся к зимней спячке. Ветер срывает с деревьев последние листья, оставляя их голыми и одинокими. По утрам можно наблюдать густой туман, покрывший все вокруг, который постепенно переходит в мелкий дождик.

Но вскоре, осенняя погода внезапно начинает радовать нас солнечными днями. Этот период называется "бабьим летом", и длится он две недели. Бабье лето — замечательное время, когда осень дарит нам последние тёплые дни. Отцветают растения, в воздухе летает паутина и блестит на солнце подобно шелковым нитям.


4,7(40 оценок)
Недавно мы с классом ездили в океанариум. Мы встали очень рано в 7:00 утра и отправились на автобусе, ехали мы 2 часа и 25 минут. В автобусе мне понравилось беседовать со своими одноклассниками. В самой экскурсии я узнал очень многое и мне даже понравилось. Надеюсь это было не последние путешествие с моим классом. С нетерпением жду следующей экскурсии.

Recently we went to the aquarium with the class. We got up very early at 7:00 in the morning and went by bus, we went 2 hours and 25 minutes. On the bus I liked talking with my classmates. In the excursion itself I learned a lot and I even liked it. I hope this was not the last trip with my class. I look forward to the next excursion.
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