Виступайте в класі. Розмова про різні види роботи. Використовуйте план, щоб до вам. 1. Назва роботи.
2. Тип роботи: білий / синій комір.
3. Тип робочого місця (офіс, завод, лікарня).
4. Типові години: регулярні, нерегулярні.
5. Звичайний графік роботи (наприклад, з 9 по 5).
6. Короткий опис службових обов’язків (наприклад, навчити дітей говорити англійською мовою).
7. Хороші бали.
8. Погані моменти.
9. Чи хотіли б ви це зробити? Чому так чи чому ні?
1. I saw you yesterday.
2. I have read this book.
3. I understood the text.
4. I met him yesterday.
5. He has already found the book.
6-7. He said, he knew her adress.
8. I told her this story.
9. Our team didn`t win the championship last year.
10. I have already done the exercise.
11. He wrote a book last year.
12. He taught me a good lesson.
13. Sorry, I forgot your address.
14-15. I took my umbrella and went out.
15. I left my umbrella at home.
16. Made in China))
17. I have cut my hair off.
18. I won the prize last time.
19. I lost my bag yesterday.
20. He has paid the price.
21. He came late last evening.
22. She gave me a good advice.
23. I`ve already heard the story.
24. You could learn it by heart, but you didn`t. Shame on you!
25. I thought he was my friend.
26-27. Everyone became quiet and sat down in their seats as the show started.
28. The lesson has already begun.
29. He drove his car too fast last time.
30. I spoke to me friend yesterday.