I most of all love to shop, not just in stores, but in large shopping centers. In my opinion, shopping in the malls is very attractive because you can combine shopping and enjoyment . In addition, the huge role playing the quantity and quality of shops that can be found there. In a shopping center you can find everything you need, from clothing to gifts and souvenirs. I often go to the malls. I enjoy shopping there because they offer a large selection of products and clothing. I love buying clothes. The stores always have polite assistants, they help to choose the size, color of the clothes.I usually ask the shop assistant about where this cloth was made and how much it cost. They are always ready to help. I often go shopping with friends, it makes shopping easier and more fun. I believe that I would like to spend more time shopping, because if you are trying to buy new clothes, you have to try all options in all of your favorite stores. As a result, you'll spend a lot of time. Usualy I prefer to pay cash, but many people like to pay by credit card or check. Many people prefer to pay by check. Because it is possible to transfer money to another account just by knowing their names. Moreover, large amounts can be easily transferred.
Besides shopping malls have a lot of fun. This may be the cinema, restaurants, beauty salons. Very convenient when everything is in one place. For this I love malls.
Хорэй! Хорей! Итс Сандэй! Зис дэй Ай старт энью. Зис дэй Айв дэсайдед ту бекам а уизард, итс тру! Ор мэйби Ай Уил лёрн ту Флай ор хау ту Уок сру старс ор айл визит азер планетс энд Мит алиенс ин зейр мэджик карс. Айл травел ту паст Таймс. Энд плэй футбол уиз э динозоур энд хи Маркс зе скор! Айв год соу мэни уондерфул плэнс! Бат нау я хав ту опен зе дор. Айм стартинг зе райт уей. Йес, зис уил би зе бест дэй! Хорэй! Хорей! Итс Сандэй!
Ура! Ура! Сегодня воскресенье! В этот день я начинаю все заново. Сегодня я решил стать волшебником, это правда! Или, может быть, я научусь летать или ходить по звездам, или я побываю на других планетах и встречу инопланетян в их волшебных машинах. Я отправлюсь в И играть в футбол с динозавром, и он отмечает счет! У меня столько прекрасных планов! Но теперь я должен открыть дверь. Я начинаю с правильного пути. Да, это будет самый лучший день! Ура! Ура! Сегодня воскресенье!