F 11:22
Hear liked Spring Holidays because he liked the weather and St. Patrick's Day for that
day people argom. Easter was a good holiday to You could see the Easter Rabbit, hunt for
sa fiad candy
Sandra liked Summer Holidays like Independence Day. She always went to the air show
to see alanes In the evening they'd show of fireworks Mother's Day and Father's Day were
Judith loved Fall boladays mose Sweetest Duy wasn't that popular, but was a nice day
and sometimes she got candy Halloweo was such a great time. Thanksgiving was just a few
weeks later. Between Hallowee's candy and Thanksgiving 's turkey was the best food son of
Winter holidays were Thomas favourites Christmas was a great time to be with family
New Year was exciting because everyone stayed up late and chored when the your changed
and there were often fireworks
What season holidays does Henry like most
A. Spring
B. Summer
D. Winter
2. Fall is the favourite esse for
A Hamry
B Sandra
D. Judith
3. Which of these is NOT summer dat
A Father's Day
B St. Paindk's Day
C Mother's Day
D Independence Day
4. Which of these is a spring holiday
A Easter
B. Christmas
C. Thanksgiving
D. Independence Day
5. Which of these is a full bullday?
A Christmas
B Easter
Independence Day
D. Halloween
Task 2. Write a paragraph about your last holiday seasons
D) What was your last holiday
2) Where did you celebrate
3) How many people were at the party? Who wore dhe me
4) Did anyone get presents? What kind of posts
5) What did you like the most
stretches for 893 km from North to South and for 1316 km from East to West. Magus Ukraine with Russia, Belarus, Moldova, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. In the South it olivastra the Black and Azov seas. Only 5% of the territory is mountainous and the remaining area is plain. On the territory of Ukraine is only part of the ridge of the Carpathian mountains, which are located in neighbouring countries. The largest rivers are the Dnieper, the Dniester, the Buh and Donets. They have different origins, and most of them flows into the Black sea. The largest river Dnieper is a major source of electricity. The country has deposits of coal, oil, iron ore and other minerals that are important in the formation of the base for industrial development.