если ты читаешь или пишешь ты не пишешь или не читаешь слово в() чтобы все было правильно ты должен все переписать все но без () тогда это задание окажется правильным
If I to study, I to pass the exams.
If the sun to shine, we to walk into town.
If he to have a temperature, he to see the doctor.
If my friends to come, I to be very happy.
If she to earn a lot of money, she to fly to New York.
If we to travel to London, we to visit the museums.
If you to wear sandals in the mountains, you to slip on the rocks.
If Rita to forget her homework, the teacher to give her a low mark.
If they to go to the disco, they to listen to loud music.
If you to wait a minute, I to ask my parents.
вот так должен писать
1. Last summer
2. On a quiet US road
3. Mickey and Bill Gates
4. At the beginning of the story, Mickey saw a man who couldn't change a wheel, and Mickey helped the man. In the Middle of the story, it says that Mickey has already helped the man, and the man asked for his address, Mickey refused, but then still said. At the end of the story, the man sent a letter to Mickey, in which he said that he was bill gates, and in the letter lay 10 thousand dollars for help with the car.
Объяснение: Вот это правильно.
О, и у меня четырнадцать двоюродных братьев и сестер. Мы встречаемся по праздникам.У моей мамы нет ни братьев, ни сестер. Она единственный ребенок в семье. Всего хорошего,