- Please, come in. - Thank you. - Sit down, please. Would you like a cup of tea? - Yes, please. - Help yourself to scones. - Thank you. - How about some cream? - No, thank you. Could you pass me some sugar, please? - Yes, here you are. - Can I have another cup of tea? - Yes, of course.
- Входи
- Садись Хочешь чашку чая? - Да - Угощайся булочками с изюмом.
- Как насчет сливок? - Нет Не мог бы ты передать мне сахар. - Да, вот. - Можно мне еще одну чашку чая? - Да, конечно.
Nicole Houston Reed was born on May 17, 1988, California, USA) - American actress, producer and screenwriter, who plays Rosalie Hale in the film based on the vampire saga "Twilight". It became known after the release of the movie "Thirteen", to which she also wrote stsenariy.Nikki was born in West Los Angeles in the family Cheryl Houston (beautician) and Seth Reed (set designer). Nikki has an older brother - Nathan August Reed, Jr. and - Joey. Her father - a Jew and his mother having cherokskie and Italian roots - a Christian. Reid says that her life at home was "complicated". Her parents divorced when Nikki was two years old, his mother raised her alone. Nicky stayed with her mother in the town of Culver City (CA).
Nikki describes himself at the time as a "prude" and "bookworm", but in 13 years everything has changed since she started smoking and experimenting with drugs. After that relationship with his mother deteriorated. In 2002, when Reed was 14 years old, she slipped from his mother and began to live on their own, taking an apartment in Los Angeles.
- Please, come in.
- Thank you.
- Sit down, please. Would you like a cup of tea?
- Yes, please.
- Help yourself to scones.
- Thank you.
- How about some cream?
- No, thank you. Could you pass me some sugar, please?
- Yes, here you are.
- Can I have another cup of tea?
- Yes, of course.
- Входи
- Садись Хочешь чашку чая?
- Да
- Угощайся булочками с изюмом.
- Как насчет сливок?
- Нет Не мог бы ты передать мне сахар.
- Да, вот.
- Можно мне еще одну чашку чая?
- Да, конечно.